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Stitch Fix #2

I received my second Stitch Fix a while back and thought I would share it with you. (If you want to learn more about what Stitch Fix is, check out my first Stitch Fix Post)  I love seeing other people’s fixes, and it’s interesting to see what they keep and what they send back.  So, I thought I’d do things a little differently this time.  Here’s what came in my box:

stitch fix 2

The items are:

1. Jacqui Striped Maxi Dress
2. Violette Embroidered detail Dress
3. Malia Chevron Border Tunic
4. Noelle V-Neck Mixed Print Tunic

I also received the Oliver Bead & Fringe Statement Necklace:

Oliver Bead and Fringe Statement Necklace

Thanks to my friend Rhonda, I learned that once your stitch fix has shipped, you can actually log in to your online account, click “checkout” and get a sneak peek at what is being shipped to you.  You can Google the name of each item and usually get images of that item.  So, I had done my sneak peek and had a pretty good idea of what I was going to keep. I was super excited about both dresses. I loved the embroidery on the Violette dress and I don’t own a Maxi dress, so I thought that would be a good addition to my closet.  I was disappointed about the Noelle Tunic when I saw it online – I didn’t like the looks of it at all!  So, guess what I kept?

Noelle V-Neck Mixed Print TunicThat’s right!  The item that I thought I would hate is the only thing that I ended up keeping.  The Maxi Dress was too long and loose, the embroidered dress was too short, and I loved the chevron border tunic, but could not figure out what to wear it with.  The Necklace is just not my style.  But, the Noelle V-Neck, once I tried it on, I loved how it looked on me and how flexible it is for summer/winter work/casual.  And that’s one of the interesting things about Stitch Fix – you’ll end up trying (and liking) completely different things than what you would normally choose for yourself.

My third stitch is on its way.  I’ve heard that the third Stitch Fix is when your stylist really starts to get good at picking things for you.  I’ll keep you posted and let you know!

If you want to give it a try, click here.  I’ll get $25 credit for referring you, and you’ll get a fun surprise in the mail!

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8 Responses to "Stitch Fix #2"

  1. They sent you some really fun items! I just hate when I love an item but it doesn’t fit. I wish there was a way to exchange for a different size. But Stitch Fix is a really fun way to spruce up my wardrobe! (Too bad it’s kinda pricey, huh?)

  2. Dani says:

    Oh, I love that embroidered dress!! So, have you had the same stylist for both boxes so far?

  3. Fawn says:

    No! I just noticed they were different. I loved that dress too. Too bad it was too short for me. 🙁 Are you still getting fixes? Do you have the same stylist every time?

  4. Fawn says:

    Indeed. That’s the part I struggle with because I’m such a tightwad, but as long as I’m just keeping the things I like, I still feel like it’s worth it. Do you get fixes on a regular basis?

  5. Jacqueline says:

    I’ve been tempted to try StitchFix, but feel like they are so hit and miss with folks. I, like you, don’t like shopping and so it would be a good fit… if I trusted their taste more. Glad you found SOMETHING. BTW the chevron piece was cute, too. You could have pulled that off, for sure.

  6. Totally never heard of StitchFix (seriously out of the loop here), but I want to check this out more – sounds like exactly what I need.Love the Noelle v-neck on you, BTW – good choice!

  7. Fawn says:

    Mistie, It is definitely a splurge, but I think it’s worth doing once per quarter or so to give my wardrobe a little something extra that it normally wouldn’t get. They have a pretty decent referral program too. I have my third stitch fix now, so I’ll be posting again soon!

  8. Fawn says:

    Jackie, I would say that pinning things that you like to a pinterest board (You give Stitch Fix the link to it when you sign up) makes a big difference. I received my third fix, and it was VERY worth it. I’ll be posting about it soon…:)

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