Instead of the Dishes » Not the Dishes » Happy Random Acts of Kindness Week!
Happy Random Acts of Kindness Week!
It seems appropriate that this week is Random Acts of Kindness Week, what with all the love in the air because of Valentine’s Day. You’ve got a whole week to give an extra effort to putting your kindness out into the world, as this celebration starts today and runs through the 19th. Studies have shown that being kind to others has incredible benefits for both the giver and receiver!
I love concepts that center around the idea of everyone doing something small that adds up to make a big difference. Sure, it’s always easy to buy a stranger a meal or pay for the guy’s coffee that’s behind you in the drive thru at Starbucks, but here are some random ideas on being kind that don’t cost anything.
Brrr…it’s cold out there! Pull the neighbor’s trash can down to their garage door for them so they don’t have to do it in the dark when they get home after work.
- Send notes to friends and family you haven’t talked to in a while.
- Gather gently used items from around the house that you don’t need and donate them to charity
- Offer to cover your child’s teacher’s lunch, recess, or other duties (check school policy first).
- Need a new hairdo? If you’ve got at least 10 inches, you can donate your hair to Locks of Love.
- Help with a chore around the house or a task at work that isn’t normally your responsibility
- Loan a favorite book to someone you think will enjoy it.
- Plant a tree (if you’re an Entergy customer, you can order free trees here)
- Give someone a hug or a smile.
- Say please and thank you.
- Leave a coupon you’re not going to use on the shelf at the grocery store next to the item it applies to.
For more Random Acts of Kindness ideas, check out these monthly calendars from
What’s your favorite random act of kindness? How will you celebrate this week? Have you ever been on the receiving end of a surprising random act of kindness? Leave a comment below and let me know. I’ll be sharing our family’s efforts later in the week.
Filed under: Not the Dishes