Instead of the Dishes » Education, Mommyhood » Why “Why?” Isn’t So Bad
Why “Why?” Isn’t So Bad
When Carina turned three and started asking, “Why, Why, Why?” about everything, I thought I was going to lose my mind. Then she taught her 18 month old brother to say, “Why, Why, Why?”. He didn’t even know what Why meant. This was the time in my life when I considered finding religion so that I could just credit God with everything.
Three years later, there aren’t a lot of “Why?” questions around our house. Before you congratulate me on making it through with my mind mostly intact, I have to tell you. It’s worse. NOW Carina is asking me things that I don’t have the answers to again. The difference is that I sort of feel like maybe I should know the answers to the things she is asking, what with my stint as the Education Director at the science center and all. But I don’t know the answers to most of these, at least not without the help of Google. Or, as Carina said, “Look it up on your phone. It is a SMART phone.” And then there are those that I do know the answer to, but struggle to put those answers into terms a six year old can understand. And somehow those six years I spent studying English seem all for naught.
So, if you’ve got a kiddo approaching six, here are some questions you might want to research so that you have an answer beyond “I don’t know” or, “Because that’s how God planned it”. I’m starting to see where those creationism people are coming from.
- Kid: Who invented seeds?
You: No one invented seeds. The plants make the seeds just like mommies make babies! (And then you think, “haha! one I can answer!” But no…)
Kid: Well then where did the seeds that grew the very first plants in the world come from? - Kid: What did Dinosaurs evolve from?
You: (yes. That’s stunned silence.) - Kid: When the people died, what did they wrap their bodies up in?
You: short pause while brain processes the fact that she is asking about mummies. Because, you know, halloween is coming… “Oh, it was strips of cloth. Called muslin.” (or was that Jesus?)
Kid: Did they wrap the men up that way too, so they could be mommies?
You: It’s mummies. And yes, most of the mummies that have been discovered were men, acutally.
Kid: If they’re all men, why do they call them mommies? - Kid: Why did the monkeys decide to turn into humans?
- Kid: When the first human baby was born, who took care of it since there were only monkeys around?
- Kid: How did humans learn to speak human?
- Kid: Do teeth grow from seeds? (If you don’t know the answer to this one, do what I did – marry a dentist with an emergency dental service – Oxford Dental Care.)
- Kid: What eats hummingbirds?
Filed under: Education, Mommyhood · Tags: ?, evolution, Kids, kids asking questions, science, Why
I love the mummy question! Bear latest question was regarding a word she heard on TV. Answer, that is a grown up word and we don’t use it.
I’ve just started making stuff up. He may be confused later, but at least it entertains me.
Wow Carina. Those are some really good questions. I think I would like to know the answers to those as well. When you get that figured out, Fawn, let me know! Lol.
You asked for a scientist to answer. I do believe that I qualify, but I am not going to tell you what you want to hear. Although you said it jokingly, I fully believe that your first instinct was the correct approach. I don’t think that you will find better answers than in the Bible.
GOD made heaven and earth [Gen 1:1]. GOD made the first vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it [Gen 1:9]. GOD made all of the animals (presumably including dinosaurs) [Gen 1:24]. GOD made man (he did not evolve from a monkey.) [Gen 1:27] The first human was created fully grown, not as a baby. When the first baby, Cain, was born, he had a Dad (Adam) and a mom (Eve.) [Gen 4:1]
Hi Janet! I always love comments from all my readers and friends, and appreciate perspectives and beliefs outside of my own. So, your comment IS what I want to hear. I’m not trying to debate you, but I will say that I’m not a big fan of the Bible as a scientific document. After all, there have been a lot of scientific discoveries since the point in time when the bible was published. I do believe in evolution and I think that it could be part of God’s plan too.
Ha. I’ll keep you posted, Val. Her latest theory is that the dinosaurs came from aliens.
Yes, we have questions about those words too. Sheesh, these kids, they keep us on our toes!
Thanks, Fawn! It is always nice when friends can peaceably disagree!
For the record, though, I do not think the Bible is a scientific document. One either accepts it in faith or doesn’t accept it. I simply meant that I am a scientist (who also has faith.) The Bible doesn’t rule out life continuing to evolve, only that humans didn’t evolve from apes. I do think we evolve– how else can we explain having an appendix?! What in the world was that for anyway?!?
Janet, if Carina starts asking me appendix questions, I’m blaming you!