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Our Wedding Photography #Fail

Craig and I celebrated our 9 year anniversary on Friday. In honor of that, I wanted to share the story of our wedding photos, which gets funnier as the years go by (it wasn’t funny when it first happened).

We got married on a sailboat in New Zealand. We found our officiant online fairly easily, but were having difficulty finding a photographer we could afford. The internet wasn’t what it is today back then, and New Zealand is an island, after all. We asked our officiant for recommendations, and she said she had a friend who was a professional photographer that was available. Her price was reasonable, so we booked her.

We were a little surprised when she boarded our sailboat on the big day with her point-and-shoot camera in hand. But, there was no turning back at that point. I saw my cousin’s wedding photos taken at Mint Springs Farm, Nashville, they were so great that I convinced myself wedding photo shooting cannot go wrong.

Two weeks later, we arrived home and began to anxiously await the arrival of the CD with our pictures. We waited, and waited, and waited. Finally, they arrived, and we sat down to take a look. The first few pictures looked pretty good. A beautiful wedding bouquet was timely delivered by the florist in League City.

new zealand wedding photo

But then we started to notice that a few of the pictures looked kind of weird. We realized that it appeared that the camera had some moisture in it, or something. You can see it on Craig’s legs in the picture above, and on his tux in the photo below.

wedding photo fail

And apparently that weird whatever it was really had wreaked havoc on my face in several of the pictures. So the photographer from Choco Studio edited the images. And of course, image editing has come a long way in the past 9 years, but…

wedding photo fail 1

Notice my new hairdo in the picture on the right?

In some cases she included both the original and the edited version of the same image on the CD she sent, so it was really obvious what she had done.

wedding photo fail 3

The edit is not to bad here, actually. I think the one on the right is the original, but not sure.

And then it went downhill quickly.  In some cases, I got a whole new head!

wedding photo fail 4

The top two photos are the same photo. Notice any differences? The third one is equally good.

And finally, the piece de resistance. WARNING: These two are a bit disturbing. My daughter got really weirded out looking at them.

wedding photo fail 5

Why would you even include these on the CD? Goodness!

So, there you have it, our wedding photography fail. Like I said, it was horrifying when we first got the CD, but it’s funny now. Oh, and just for the record, here’s what we really looked like that day:

wedding head shot

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19 Responses to "Our Wedding Photography #Fail"

  1. Hilary says:

    I can’t believe I never heard this part of the story. Seriously, I am amazed at some peoples integrity. I would never say I was a wedding photographer…if I had no idea what I am going. Craziness. Glad you can see the hilarity now but still disappointing.

  2. Oh my gracious, I am doubled over laughing. Can’t speak, laughing so hard.

  3. Sarah Nord says:

    You were (and are) gorgeous, and at least you got a few pictures to prove it! 🙂

  4. Oh gosh. Sorry for laughing but I am! (And I can relate. We also got married on a boat. My mom took the only photos, also point and shoot). But you (the real you) looked beautiful!

  5. Kris Sutliff says:

    Oh, my! I didn’t know this story. I knew about the sailboat and all the cool stuff you did on your trip (I was most fascinated by your rolling around in a ball like a hamster does–or at least that’s how I remember it)–but I’m sure I never heard about the pictures. Maybe you should go back and re-enact it for new pictures. (I could go along and take pictures, a real bargain.) But meanwhile these are a treasure. I’m glad you got a few photos that captured your beauty before your eyes and hair got wild!

  6. Panamamama says:

    Oh my, that brings back memories. My grandma told us that her friend was a professional photographer so we opted to use him (being quite broke when we got married.) When we were waiting for group pictures at the church we realized he’d gone on to the reception to eat! All the pics I have are those that friends and family took that day! 🙂

  7. Debbie says:

    What a terrifically hilarious way to start my Monday!

  8. What a great story to tell! Really some … er… unique wedding photos you got there!!

  9. Fawn says:

    Thanks Joelle. I doubt there are many others like them (at least, I hope not)!

  10. Fawn says:

    I do my best to start your week off right, Debbie. 😉 Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Fawn says:

    Oh, goodness. I hope your photog enjoyed himself! And, I hope your friends and family took some great pictures – yet another downfall of the destination elopement – there wasn’t anyone else there to take pictures!!

  12. Fawn says:

    I would love to get you in that hamster ball – you would love it!

  13. Fawn says:

    It’s ok to laugh, Jenny. That’s why I posted it! If my mom sees your comments she’s going to use it to remind me yet again why I should have brought her with me when we eloped.

  14. Fawn says:

    Awww, thanks sweet friend. If I remember correctly, you have an interesting photo-related wedding story too. 🙂

  15. Fawn says:

    I hope you didn’t injure yourself. 😉

  16. Fawn says:

    I think we’ve only recovered enough in the past couple years to tell the story. She even had business cards!

  17. Nicole says:

    Oh wow! the last photo is great and how awesome to be married in New Zealand… but those poor photos!

  18. Karen says:

    I’m so glad that you can laugh about it now – but seriously! You were a beautiful bride though and that shines through the bad photography.

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