Instead of the Dishes » Featured
Battling Anxiety

About five years ago, I took Yaz birth control for about five months. It caused several health issues, including debilitating anxiety. I still get lots of comments on the blog posts that I wrote about how I dealt with my “Yaz withdrawal.” The majority of the questions I get are about anxiety. This blog post started out as an email response to two readers who were asking those questions. My anxiety was how I really measured whether I … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Health, Health & Fitness
Motherhood is Like a Cruise

Hubby and I were watching a “behind the scenes” type show about the cruise ship industry. They were talking about the tons of food that is prepared and consumed on each cruise, how much fuel is burned each day, and how many crewmembers working ten hour shifts for seven days in a row it takes to make the cruisers’ vacations magical. As the credits rolled, hubs said, “Can you imagine doing all that work every … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Homemaking, Mommyhood
When the Truth is Written All Over Your Face

Teaching my children about telling the truth has both surprised and challenged me as a mother. I think I had the (unfounded) belief that children just naturally tell the truth, and that they wouldn’t start to tell bold-faced lies until they were old enough to really think through the process of having devious motivation, an alibi, and details to back their claims up. It seems, though, that kids (at least, MY kids) are actually naturally … Read entire article »