Instead of the Dishes » Frugal Fawn
Our Southwest Missouri Summer Bucket List

Bucket Lists are gaining in popularity, and being semi-new in town, I thought it would helpful to put together a list of things that we can check out as a family right here in Springfield and Southwest Missouri. It’s also a component of the 100 Days of Summer planning process. Last summer I made a Little Rock, Arkansas bucket list, if you’re interested. Activities that are Free are marked with a ^ Activities Askinosie Chocolate Bass Pro (Free “summer camp” … Read entire article »
Filed under: 417 With Kids, Education, Frugal Fawn, Missouri, Mommyhood, Spending Less, Things to Do, Travel
Motherhood: A Day in the Life #4 – Shannon

When Fawn first put out the Bat signal for “A Day in the Life” guest posts, I first thought about writing it from my 11-year-old daughter’s perspective. She imagines I drop her off to school and then hurry back to my cozy kitchen – where the computer lives – and hang out all day, emptying the fridge of its contents and reading my blawgs (the modern day mom’s Days of Our Lives) until it’s time to pick … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Mommyhood
5 Tips for Saving More at the Grocery Store

Today’s blogger, Renae Chiovaro, and I were roomies at the Type-A blogger conference last summer even though we had never met before. Lucky for me, Renae is super nice, and we study many of the same subjects, like raising rowdy kids, saving money, and working with dentists! The price of groceries has been steadily on the rise over the last few years. Meat prices continue to rise as the price of grain increases. With a few … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Grocery Shopping, Guest Blogger
DIY I-Spy Craft

Sarah is one of the craftiest gals I know. She’s sharing a fun project idea that will make your kiddo’s day AND get the junk drawer clean in the process. Oh, and it’s a recycle/reuse project too. This girl is pushing all my happy buttons! Sometimes presenting something old in a different way is just the thing to get kids interested in it again. We had a bunch of colored rice hanging out in a bin that … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Frugal Fawn, Go Green, Guest Blogger, Mommyhood, Spending Less
Relish! Meal Planning Gifts and a giveaway

With the chaos of this summer’s move and everything that has gone on since, I had gotten out of the meal planning groove. But, I’m happy to say, over the past few months I’ve jumped back in and am wondering why I ever stopped doing it in the first place. Meal planning isn’t hard. In fact, it makes life easier. And at the bottom of this post, I’m giving away something that will make it … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Grocery Shopping, Homemaking, Mommyhood, Product Reviews, Spending Less
Shop Small, Shop Local: Seven Ideas for Kids’ Gifts

I wish that every shopping day was Small Business Saturday. Small businesses keep money in the local economy and provide income to your friends and neighbors who own these businesses. If you’re prone to big box shopping, I hope you’ll take tomorrow as an opportunity to try out something new and consider adopting it as a regular habit. At our house, and in our extended families, we don’t buy gifts for adults – only the kids. … Read entire article »
Filed under: 417 With Kids, Frugal Fawn, Shopping, Spending Less