Instead of the Dishes » Around the House
STP Multipurpose Motor Treatment Review #engineluv #CBias

This is a guest post by my husband, Craig, who takes care of our vehicles. I enjoy taking care of the basic maintenance needs for our vehicles – a 2005 Acura TSX and 2004 Toyota Tacoma. When I say ‘basic’ I mean the easy stuff like changing the oil, spark plugs, air filters, using a wireless ratchet like these to tighten the bolts and topping off fluids. I get our children involved whenever I do these things … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Around the Town, Frugal Fawn, Go Green, Guest Blogger, Product Reviews, Spending Less, Travel
Free Trees and Showerheads = Energy Savings for Arkansas Residents!

There are two great opportunities going on right now for utilities customers in Arkansas. First, Entergy customers can order three FREE 2 to 4 foot trees of their choice. The trees are 100% free, no strings attached as long as Entergy customers plant them in an energy-saving location. There are 10 different trees to choose from including Red Maple, Crapemyrtle, Baldcypress, American Sweetgum, and Redbud. Go to to claim your tree. You’ll be guided through … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Frugal Fawn, Go Green, Spending Less
Planning a Green Birthday Party

Earlier this month I tuned in for a Kiwi Webinar called Green Birthday Parties for Less. This topic is super timely for me right now, as I’m attempting to plan my daughter’s 5th birthday party. (She’s decided on a Hawaiian Luau theme.) The webinar was lead by Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell, authors of Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family. Corey and Lynn lead us through the major components of … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Go Green
Shark Portable Steam Pocket Review

While the kids and I were out of town, my husband decided to do some cleaning. This is a guest post from Craig about the latest tool he’s added to his domestic arsenal. When I am left at home alone, or when I accidentally make my coffee too strong, or when I’m just plain bored, I have to clean. Last weekend, my wife and kids were out of town. I decided to make myself some coffee … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Go Green, Guest Blogger, Product Reviews
Buying a Cow (or part of one)

In February we are enjoying our One Small Change at dinner time, mostly. In January we purchased an eighth of a “locally grown” cow. Actually, the cow came from Southwest Missouri, just like our locally grown veggies. Funnily ironic. Anyhow, I was very excited when our friends Ashlee & Rodney offered us the opportunity to get a portion of a cow from their family’s cow. At first, I was concerned about how much space that much … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Around the Town, Go Green, Homemaking, Mommyhood
Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent

The One Small Change initiative is starting back up again. I’m very excited about this, as I’ve fallen off the horse a bit, and this will motivate me to get back to doing something “green” each month. I’m hoping to do a post to recap the “One Small Changes” we made in 2010, but in case I don’t get it done, here’s a link to all of the One Small Change Posts. I’d like to formally … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Go Green, Homemaking