Instead of the Dishes » Go Green
DIY I-Spy Craft

Sarah is one of the craftiest gals I know. She’s sharing a fun project idea that will make your kiddo’s day AND get the junk drawer clean in the process. Oh, and it’s a recycle/reuse project too. This girl is pushing all my happy buttons! Sometimes presenting something old in a different way is just the thing to get kids interested in it again. We had a bunch of colored rice hanging out in a bin that … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Frugal Fawn, Go Green, Guest Blogger, Mommyhood, Spending Less
A Day in the Life of a Professional Organizer

Today, Pro Organizer Holly Shacklett is taking us behind the scenes with her in her career as a professional organizer. I’m both thankful for the great tips and also a little jealous – I love to purge stuff – especially other people’s stuff! As a small business owner so many of my days are spent on the business side of things. Typically, I have a very big work order, and I spend most of my time … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Go Green, Guest Blogger, Homemaking, Mommyhood
Soy 102: Soy as Product #Bean2Blog – Part three

Soy is being billed as the “miracle bean” not only because it can help fill the gap between food production and food consumption on our planet, but also because it is a highly versatile option for many other types of products in categories ranging from automotive to construction to personal care. These products are just beginning to play a role in the drive to produce more soy. (98% of all soy grown in the US … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Around the Town, Go Green, Health, Health & Fitness
Soy 101: Soy as Food #Bean2Blog – Part Two

So, did you take a gander at some of the other blog posts I linked to in part 1 of this Bean2Blog series? If you did, you saw that our time at Moss Mountain Farm was beautiful, busy, and very educational. Knowing that the event centered around soybeans, I was a little apprehensive about what would be presented to us. If you’ve read my past posts like this or this, you might know that I … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Around the House, Go Green, Grocery Shopping, Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
P. Allen Smith’s #Bean2Blog – Part One

Wow. A week ago today, I had the unique and amazing opportunity to spend the day at P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home on Moss Mountain Farm in Roland, Arkansas with 17 other bloggers. If you don’t know, P. Allen Smith is often referred to as “the Martha Stewart of the South”. He’s an outdoor living guru – covering everything from gardening to food to design on his PBS shows, YouTube channel, and books. Moss Mountain … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Around the Town, Garden, Travel
Finding Farmers’ Markets and Harvest Fun

I was going to put together a list of Farmers’ Markets in Central Arkansas, but then I found that Julie over at Real Food in Little Rock already had a great list of Farmers’ Markets in Little Rock. Go Here to check it out. If you’re not in Little Rock, check out Local Harvest’s Website to find a Farmers’ Market near you. You can search a variety of different types of resources by zip code. And, if … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Around the Town, Garden, Go Green, Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood, Things to Do in Central Arkansas, Travel