Instead of the Dishes » Education
Gifts that Feel Good #3: Teaching Children to Give {giveaway}

Teaching a child how to give is a gift that not only benefits that child, but also society as a whole. The materialistic American culture is much more about “getting” than “giving”, more about seeing what we can amass for ourselves rather than making sure others have what they need. Giving isn’t in innate skill for most – it’s something that we need to teach, and when the concept clicks with a young one, the … Read entire article »
What Really Happened at the First Thanksgiving

Translation: “They are having a corn and pie fight.” I am so thankful for hilarious kids, great schools, and a husband whose office scanner works: all of which made this blog post possible. Two weeks till Turkey Day! … Read entire article »
The Thing About Lunch…

At the end of last school year, throughout the summer, and at the beginning of this school year, I had my sights set on a big project: to figure out the science behind packing school lunch. These were my goals: Eat fewer school lunches Add variety to packed lunches Make the lunch packing process easy and efficient. I spent a good amount of time gathering ideas on Pinterest, including sandwich-free lunches, setups that let the kids pack their own lunch each … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
5 OTHER Reasons to Volunteer with PTA

Disclosure: I had already planned to write this blog post, and then I convinced to let me add the giveaway component to it. They provided me with a $50 gift card for a separate project that I did for them, which I gifted to a classroom in another school district. They also provided the $50 gift card that I’m giving away at the bottom of this post. Now that school is back in … Read entire article »
Back to School Prep

Today makes the start of the 7 day countdown til school starts! I get just as excited about back to school as the kids do – I fully embrace the return to a set schedule and an increase in brain-expanding activities for everyone. But, there’s much to be done before the big day comes. I thought I would share my back-to-school to-do list here. Purchase and pack up school supplies – I live in Wal-Mart country, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Homemaking, Mommyhood
Our Southwest Missouri Summer Bucket List

Bucket Lists are gaining in popularity, and being semi-new in town, I thought it would helpful to put together a list of things that we can check out as a family right here in Springfield and Southwest Missouri. It’s also a component of the 100 Days of Summer planning process. Last summer I made a Little Rock, Arkansas bucket list, if you’re interested. Activities that are Free are marked with a ^ Activities Askinosie Chocolate Bass Pro (Free “summer camp” … Read entire article »
Filed under: 417 With Kids, Education, Frugal Fawn, Missouri, Mommyhood, Spending Less, Things to Do, Travel