Instead of the Dishes » Education
When the Truth is Written All Over Your Face
Teaching my children about telling the truth has both surprised and challenged me as a mother. I think I had the (unfounded) belief that children just naturally tell the truth, and that they wouldn’t start to tell bold-faced lies until they were old enough to really think through the process of having devious motivation, an alibi, and details to back their claims up. It seems, though, that kids (at least, MY kids) are actually naturally … Read entire article »
MOMcation 2012
You may have noticed that I haven’t been posting quite as much lately. That’s because I’ve been busy planning MOMcation 2012. This is the third year for MOMcation. It’s a weekend retreat for MOMs and MOMs-to-be to take some time out for themselves. When I came up with this idea back in 2009, I was looking for a way to show other moms how beneficial some me time could be. I wanted to put together something … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Education, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood, Travel
Booklist: Fall, Harvest, and Halloween
Post by Meredith Neesvig Yippee! Fall has officially arrived! I love the change of the seasons and especially the change of book displays in my library. There are so many great non-fiction Fall titles available—Pebble Go!, has a super set of books that have photograph illustrations and simple text for the youngest of students (see below). Although I love a good non-fiction book, my heart really belongs to those fiction stories that make you feel like … Read entire article »
Filed under: Booklists, Education, Guest Blogger, Mommyhood
School Drop-off Limbo
With both kiddos now officially back to school, we’re adapting to our new schedule. One major wrinkle in time happens on the mornings when I drop my daughter at her school and then have 45 minutes before it’s time to drop off my son at his school, which is only 10 minutes away. Occasionally we deliver friends to their schools as well. I hope that your town is different, but here in Little Rock, most businesses … Read entire article »
Booklist: Back to School
Introducing a new post series and a new contributing writer! Meet Meredith Neesvig, who will be posting booklists designed to help you find some great titles to share with your kids! School is starting in our neck of the woods this week and I thought it only fitting to share some of my absolute favorite back-to-school books. As an elementary school librarian for the past 9 years, I have seen the good, the bad, and the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Booklists, Education, Guest Blogger, Mommyhood
Preschool Resources
If you’re currently on the search for a preschool for fall, I have some resources that might help make your search a little easier. Arkansas Child Care Database – This searchable database contains all licensed child care facilities in Arkansas, including preschools. Just select “Preschool – 30-72 months” from the age list, and enter any other criteria you want. In the Better Beginnings drop down box, you can specify a level to search by. Level 3 is the highest level of quality rating given by the state. If you’re not in Arkansas, check with your state department of education – this type of resource should be available in every state. Savvy Source – The preschool section of the Savvy Source website has a nice collection of preschool resources, including reviews and information … Read entire article »