Instead of the Dishes » Fitness
A Trail of Two Cities

I want to share with you a trail of two cities. There’s action and adventure, drama and suspense, and probably some humor if you bring a funny friend. The story begins over at Only in Arkansas, where I have a post up all about the Arkansas River Trail. It’s a great place to ride with friends or family, whether you opt for the entire loop or just a small section. I’ve split the trail into four … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Fitness, Guest Blogger, Health & Fitness, Things to Do in Central Arkansas, Travel
A Day of Reckoning

When I got up today, I weighed myself. The scale said this: 145 is a pretty “average” weight for me, but it hit me wrong this morning. I thought about it a lot. The problem is that it’s the most I’ve weighed in probably two years. The number has been inching up there. I’ve seen it coming. I wouldn’t mind to weigh this much if I was fit and strong. But, I also am very aware … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
Family-Friendly Fitness Events

Spring is near, and that means more time outside! Now is also a great time to make good on those health-related new year’s resolutions. And of course, the family that plays together stays together. Ok, if those cliches aren’t enough to motivate you to get out and exercise with your family, here are some truly good reasons – Family-Friendly Fitness Events happening and around Central Arkansas! Kidsfest Superhero Race – March 31 @Simon Park in Downtown … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood, Things to Do in Central Arkansas
Why I Will Continue to Support the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

For the past four days, my head has been buzzing with all the back and forth over the Susan G Komen Foundation’s (SGK) decision to pull funding from, and then give it back to, Planned Parenthood. The media circus continues to swirl, and it appears that while the initial decision to pull funding created many a foe out of former SGK supporters, there are now also people who are mad about the reversal of the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
Resolutions: Looking Back, Moving Forward
New Year’s Resolutions are an interesting thing. Everyone has an opinion about them. Some folks thrive on them, and others think they are evil. Personally, I’m a big fan. I like the concepts of change and renewal, especially the kind I can control. First, I want to take a look back at 2010’s resolutions. 1. Eat More Local Food. Hearing Joel Salatin speak really inspired me to make this change. We shopped at the Farmers Markets in both Little Rock and North Little Rock, and also enjoyed shopping and lunching at the new Argenta Market. We are SOO thankful for our friends and neighbors, Meredith Neesvig and her parents Randy and Elaine Hankins, who brought us loads of produce from their farm in Ash Grove, MO. Funny that we moved to Arkansas … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
A Newbie’s Experience with Race for the Cure
Welcome guest blogger Stephannie Baker, who recently completed her first ever 5k at Arkansas Race for the Cure... If you had asked me one year ago if I was a runner, I would have told you that I am just not biologically cut out for it. I have always been relatively fit but not athletic. Sure, I can handle some yoga, some weight training. But cardio? Not so much. I was that girl at the gym who would run on a treadmill for about 1 minute and get so out of breath that my ribs would hurt and my thighs would itch. I really just assumed there was something wrong with me. But I love obstacle courses, at it brings some kind of adventure into my life. You will get what I … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Guest Blogger, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood