Instead of the Dishes » Homemaking
Making Bad Things Good

As a mother, it’s my job to make bad things good for my kids. Whether that’s pointing out the silver lining or life lesson in a tough situation, comforting them after a bad dream with some snuggles, fixing a broken toy, or healing up injuries and illness with some first aid or TLC. But, that’s not what this post is about. It’s about sweet potatoes. And packing lunch. And chips. You see, my kids think that sweet … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Grocery Shopping, Homemaking, Mommyhood, Product Reviews
Back to School Prep

Today makes the start of the 7 day countdown til school starts! I get just as excited about back to school as the kids do – I fully embrace the return to a set schedule and an increase in brain-expanding activities for everyone. But, there’s much to be done before the big day comes. I thought I would share my back-to-school to-do list here. Purchase and pack up school supplies – I live in Wal-Mart country, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Homemaking, Mommyhood
Last-Minute Huevos Rancheros (Gluten-Free!)

Foodie Friday on Instead of the Dishes?! Yes, my friends, old dogs can learn new tricks. Earlier this week I had one of those days where I got home later than expected, everyone was tired and hungry, and I had forgotten to defrost and marinate the chicken for the recipe on the meal plan. So, I scoured the fridge/freezer/pantry for inspiration, and here is the result! (serves 4) Ingredients 1 14.5oz can of black beans, drained and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Homemaking, Mommyhood
100 Days of Summertime Winners

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Congrats to Sarah and Lenora, the winners of the 2013 100 Days of Summertime eBook planner giveaway – I’ve emailed both of you. Hope to see you on the 100 Days of Summertime Facebook page! Don’t forget that you can download this handy resource for just $5. Just head over to the 100 Days of Summertime website and you’ll have it in a few clicks. There’s also a free downloadable excerpt if you … Read entire article »
Filed under: Booklists, Health & Fitness, Homemaking, Mommyhood, Product Reviews
100 Days of Summertime {giveaway}

Tomorrow is the big day for us – the kids’ last day of school. Sort of. Because they’ve both opted to go to summer school, which starts on Wednesday. And I’m having mixed feelings about that, because on the one hand I’m glad that they love school and that my schedule will be free to help with the new business if needed, but on the other hand, it’s a whole month of summer that kind … Read entire article »
Filed under: Health & Fitness, Homemaking, Mommyhood, Not the Dishes, Product Reviews
A Peek At Easter

Nancy and I met through PTA, quickly figured out that we are both writers, have little boys the same age, and that *gasp* we are both bloggers. It doesn’t sound that significant, but it would if you lived here in our small town. I’m so excited to know Nancy and call her a real life friend, and to be sharing her writing with you today. Living away from extended family has its perks… for example, no … Read entire article »
Filed under: Guest Blogger, Homemaking, Mommyhood