Instead of the Dishes » Homemaking
Displaying Kid Art
Lately I’ve been seeing some great ideas online for displaying kid art in fun and tasteful ways. And, with school starting back up, the amount of art available to display is going to skyrocket. So, I thought I would share the makeover that Craig did on our “Wall in the Hall” where we hang all our kids’ art. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, it’s great to have a handy hubby. This is … Read entire article »
Filed under: Homemaking, Mommyhood
Relish Meal Planning Review (and a deal)
Back in January I posted about a deal I got on Relish! meal planning. Now that my initial six month subscription is up, it’s time for a review! (Also, at the bottom of this post there’s a code to get 20% off a Relish! membership.) Using the Site Relish’s philosophy is “A weekly menu planner aimed to help busy families put wonderful meals on the table every night. No sloppy casseroles or expensive kitchen blunders. Instead look … Read entire article »
Filed under: Daily Deals, Homemaking, Mommyhood
Buying a Cow (or part of one)
In February we are enjoying our One Small Change at dinner time, mostly. In January we purchased an eighth of a “locally grown” cow. Actually, the cow came from Southwest Missouri, just like our locally grown veggies. Funnily ironic. Anyhow, I was very excited when our friends Ashlee & Rodney offered us the opportunity to get a portion of a cow from their family’s cow. At first, I was concerned about how much space that much … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Around the Town, Go Green, Homemaking, Mommyhood
Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent
The One Small Change initiative is starting back up again. I’m very excited about this, as I’ve fallen off the horse a bit, and this will motivate me to get back to doing something “green” each month. I’m hoping to do a post to recap the “One Small Changes” we made in 2010, but in case I don’t get it done, here’s a link to all of the One Small Change Posts. I’d like to formally … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Go Green, Homemaking
Relish! Meal Planning Deal
*UPDATE* 8/17/2011 – I now have a post with a full review of Relish! Meal Planning Service. You can find it here. Meal Planning falls under my New Year’s resolution for better time management. Today I got an email from Savvy Source with a great deal from Relish! Meal Planning Service: 6 Months of meal planning for $16! (a $35.70 value) I have not used Relish! before, but it has been recommended to me by other moms in the past. To get this deal, follow this link. Then, click on the link for the Relish! deal under the “Sign Me Up!” button. The deal runs through Friday, January 7th, so you only have a few days to take advantage. If you use the “like on Facebook” button on the offer page, you’ll … Read entire article »
Filed under: Daily Deals, Frugal Fawn, Homemaking
There's a Word for That: Snack Time Edition
Guess what Hibiscus plants and S’mores have in common? No really, guess. Marshmallows. What? Oh, yes! Of course, I will explain, in 200 words or less. You see, in one of my recent posts, I misspelled the word marshmallow. After being corrected by my friend Janet, I went to fix it, and got to wondering why it’s spelled “mallow” instead of “mellow”. Although the legend varies, the rough basics of it is that there was a dessert made from the root of a marsh mallow plant that was fluffy, and that when the plant root was replaced by a man-made syrup as an ingredient, the dessert also morphed into today’s sugar-on-sugar puffy treat, the marshmallow. Another version of the story claims that the confection we know as a marshmallow resembles the flower of the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Homemaking, Mommyhood, There's a Word for That