Instead of the Dishes » Mommyhood
Relish! Meal Planning Deal
*UPDATE* 8/17/2011 – I now have a post with a full review of Relish! Meal Planning Service. You can find it here. Meal Planning falls under my New Year’s resolution for better time management. Today I got an email from Savvy Source with a great deal from Relish! Meal Planning Service: 6 Months of meal planning for $16! (a $35.70 value) I have not used Relish! before, but it has been recommended to me by other moms in the past. To get this deal, follow this link. Then, click on the link for the Relish! deal under the “Sign Me Up!” button. The deal runs through Friday, January 7th, so you only have a few days to take advantage. If you use the “like on Facebook” button on the offer page, you’ll … Read entire article »
Filed under: Daily Deals, Frugal Fawn, Homemaking
Resolutions: Looking Back, Moving Forward
New Year’s Resolutions are an interesting thing. Everyone has an opinion about them. Some folks thrive on them, and others think they are evil. Personally, I’m a big fan. I like the concepts of change and renewal, especially the kind I can control. First, I want to take a look back at 2010’s resolutions. 1. Eat More Local Food. Hearing Joel Salatin speak really inspired me to make this change. We shopped at the Farmers Markets in both Little Rock and North Little Rock, and also enjoyed shopping and lunching at the new Argenta Market. We are SOO thankful for our friends and neighbors, Meredith Neesvig and her parents Randy and Elaine Hankins, who brought us loads of produce from their farm in Ash Grove, MO. Funny that we moved to Arkansas … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
Who’s Your Nanny?
Ok, so maybe you don’t need a nanny – just the occasional sitter – or maybe you’re looking for someone specifically for New Year’s Eve. I wrote an article for the local paper about finding a sitter for New Years, and I thought I would share my research with you. After all, if your resolutions include doing anything for yourself (and they should) then you might need someone to entertain the kids so they don’t realize that it isn’t all about them. If you don’t have a sitter lined up for New Year’s yet, you’re not alone. Sittercity, a website dedicated to matching parents with caregivers, receives more requests for New Years Eve babysitters today, December 29th , than on any other day of the year. It helps to start the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood
On Education: Part 1 – The Mindset
Back in August, my friend Lucy sent me a list of topics she would like to see me cover in my blog. Her number six item was, “The public school vs. private school quandary that is Little Rock.” At the time, that issue was already swirling around in my head, but now, it has a presence in my brain of tornadic proportions. It’s going to take more than one blog post to cover this one… I grew up in public schools in the Midwest. In fact, in most places I lived, that was the only option. You went to the school you lived closest to, and all the other kids at the school lived nearby too. I turned 5 at the end of June, and my mom took me down to … Read entire article »
Title Pending
Lately I’ve been knee deep in event planning, which is secretly food to my soul. But, it brings out the “business” in me, and therefore hinders my creative writing activities to an extent. So, this post is sort of a flow of consciousness, as opposed to the highly organized, completely factual, informative, entertaining posts I normally put out. *grin* Since I’m knee deep in it, I’ll say that the event planning is going well. I’m helping to plan a meetup for the Arkansas Women Bloggers. Event essentials like food and fun giveaway items have essentially landed in our laps. We ask, we receive. It’s an incredible combination of the generosity of individuals and the power that social media wields. MOMcation 2011 planning is also in full swing. This fact alone makes me … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood
A Newbie’s Experience with Race for the Cure
Welcome guest blogger Stephannie Baker, who recently completed her first ever 5k at Arkansas Race for the Cure... If you had asked me one year ago if I was a runner, I would have told you that I am just not biologically cut out for it. I have always been relatively fit but not athletic. Sure, I can handle some yoga, some weight training. But cardio? Not so much. I was that girl at the gym who would run on a treadmill for about 1 minute and get so out of breath that my ribs would hurt and my thighs would itch. I really just assumed there was something wrong with me. But I love obstacle courses, at it brings some kind of adventure into my life. You will get what I … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Guest Blogger, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood