Instead of the Dishes » Mommyhood
Arkansas Bloggers: Tag, You're It
I was tagged by Debbie at Arkansas Bloggers to do a getting to know you post right before I entered into MOMcation-crazy land. So, now I’m back, and here’s my post: 1. Started your own blog Well, here you are, on my own blog. I also have a “family” blog over at 2. Slept under the stars Lots of times. I grew up in the country. Generally instead of sleep-overs, I had camping parties as a kid. 3. Played in a band Does middle school band class count? Even if I continually sat last chair? 4. Visited Hawaii Yes, twice. The first time it rained the entire time we were there. The second time was wonderful. 5. Watched a meteor shower Yes. I have a little bit of ADHD though, so I don’t generally last very long … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood
There's a Word for That: Dasani
Dasani is a brand of water bottled by Coca-Cola. I did a little research into the origins of the word Dasani and found that it originates from the Coca-Cola marketing team. There is no definition for it, although one exec tried to insinuate that the word Dasani conjured a “Roman God of Water”. For me, though, Dasani conjures visions of home, of my kids playing in the bathtub, of my sweaty yard man (hubby) drinking from the water hose, and even, *gasp* of me doing the dishes. You see, Dasani is bottled here in Little Rock. From tap water. Sure, they filter it (so do I, with a Brita pitcher), and they add some salt and potassium chloride (you know, the stuff in the chemical cocktail used for lethal injections) to … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Around the Town, Go Green, Health, Health & Fitness, Spending Less, There's a Word for That
Free Range Kids: Part 1
My friend Nicole is leading a book discussion at MOMcation at the end of this month. The book she picked is called Free-Range Kids by Lenore Skenazy. I wanted to write this post after I had read just the first couple chapters, but I can’t stop reading the book long enough to write the post! The basic premise of Free-Range Kids is that we, as Americans, have been trained into a culture of fear, especially when it comes to our children. Skenazy addresses issues such as crimes against children, the influx of safety products on the market, and the pressure on parents to raise an army of baby geniuses with a frankness and wit that is fun to read and easy to understand. She bases her discussions on statistics such as … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood, Product Reviews
Hungry Kids
Friday we were running a little behind in getting ready for school. Carina generally doesn’t like to eat breakfast until she’s been awake for an hour or so. When it came time to leave, we had run out of time for breakfast, and Carina wasn’t hungry anyway. I handed her a granola bar and asked her to please eat it on the way to school. 15 minutes later, as I unstrapped her from her car … Read entire article »
Filed under: Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
How Does Your Garden Grow?
As part of my quest to feed my family more local foods, I have been wishing for a garden. Not a big garden, because I have no idea what I am doing. Just a little garden that we can try out; a place to grow a few vegetables and maybe some flowers; a fun spot for the kids to use their little garden trowels and get dirty. And, of course, we would need to take care of the trees we already have in the backyard. I suggest you can navigate to this website, if you need some tree work around your house. I love to pick things, and I think the kids will get a big kick out of eating things they have grown themselves. Last time when I had been to … Read entire article »
There's a Word for That: Who's Your Baby?
Who’s Your Baby? Our babies are California and Smurf Beef. No really. Carina has two baby dolls, and those are their names. Both were gifts from Grandma. California (pronounced Californa) came first. We have no ties to California, so I’m fairly sure we don’t talk about it much, but as we all know with preschoolers, they only have to hear it once in order to add it to their vocab arsenal. Smurf Beef is the second born, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood, There's a Word for That