Instead of the Dishes » Mommyhood
Don’t Eat Organic
At least, not all the time. Like all habit-altering, budget-affecting decisions, delving into buying organic produce for your family can be overwhelming. I thought these two lists might help. You’ll have the greatest impact, ecologically and healthfully, if you try to buy produce from the first list organically. The second list is a few items for you to cross off of your worry list. Produce with the most pesticide residues*: Apples Blueberries Bell Peppers Celery Potatoes Spinach Lettuce Kale & Collard Greens Strawberries Imported Nectarines Peaches Imported Grapes Items … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Go Green, Grocery Shopping, Health, Health & Fitness, Spending Less
Potty Training Aftermath
I’m starting to realize that I might be one of those oblivious moms; the kind that just does things without thinking too far ahead, or considering what might come next after the present hurdle or milestone is surmounted. You would think I would have learned my lesson. I couldn’t wait for Carina to start talking. Now she won’t be quiet. I was so excited when Callen army crawled across the floor at nine months, and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood
Garage Door Mayhem
This morning I loaded up the kids in Craig’s truck with the usual comedy of errors: multiple trips in and out of the house; chasing Callen from truck door to truck door (it’s a four-door truck) as part of his routine of climbing into the truck and then catapulting himself around on the inside of it with a sort of enthusiasm rivaled only by super bounce balls; loosening car seat straps to fit winter coats, wrestling, buckling, and then tightening the straps again; returning to the house to spray down Callen’s brand new cloth backpack with Shout after realizing that he drug it though motor oil that had been dripped on the garage floor; and finally climbing into the driver’s seat, my head pounding, with a combo Carina Whine-fest and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood
I Have Commitment Issues
Right at this moment, I should be writing about three different articles that I have floating in my head. Really, there’s nothing to stop me. It’s 9:10pm and the rest of my family is in bed… asleep…probably. And therein lies the problem. Before kids I loved commitment. If anything, I was over committed. At work, I took on duties that were not part of my job description. If I thought of something that would help my coworkers or the organization I worked for, I took it on and made sure it got done. In my free time, I was committed to training for sprint distance triathalons. And of course, I was committed completely and without competition in my love for my husband. Now, “after” kids, I have a hard time with commitment. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood, Write & Blog
Illegal Food is Better for You
Last Thursday I had the opportunity to see Joel Salatin speak about sustainable farming. Mr. Salatin is the owner of Polyface Farms, “a family owned, multi-generational, pasture-based, beyond organic, local-market farm.” If you saw the film Food, Inc, you would also remember Joel as the fast-talking farmer with suspenders and straw hat. Essentially, Joel Salatin is one of the leaders in the movement to return our food system to one that is healthier for both … Read entire article »
Filed under: Go Green, Health, Health & Fitness
Water Weight
I’ve been taking part in a “health challenge” in which you earn points each day for doing certain things like exercising, spending quality time with your kids, journaling, eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies, etc. Two weeks into the challenge, I noticed that I gained 2 pounds. I couldn’t figure out why. I hadn’t gone overboard on Halloween, and I was working out more than normal, pushing myself to be more healthy so that I … Read entire article »
Filed under: Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood