Instead of the Dishes » Mommyhood
To Sleep, Perchance…
This post is all about how my kids collaborate and connive to hijack my sleep time. It’s a rant. So, all you moms who have kids that have been sleeping through the night since you got home from the hospital can stop reading now. In the three plus years that I have been farming kids, I’d estimate that I’ve slept through the night a total of 10 months worth. The bulk of those 10 months were between when Carina turned 9 months old and finally slept all night and when I got so hugely pregnant with Callen that I couldn’t stay in one position all night. I spent the last month of that pregnancy sleeping upright on the love seat with a top-secret concoction of throw pillows arranged just so underneath … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood
Mommy Boot Camp
The kids and I just returned from four days and four nights in Branson, MO. We were house and dog sitting for Grandma and Papa while they were on vacation. It seems odd, but I’m fairly certain that this little trip was the longest I have ever been “alone” with my children. The idealist in me thought that this might be a sort of mom and kid retreat. We would spend our days visiting friends and doing fun activities, and I would have the evenings to myself to write, read, or maybe even get a workout in on Grandma’s Wii Fit. This setting would allow me time to really focus on my kids and my mothering skills, allowing me to practice yelling less and laughing more. When I first had … Read entire article »
When Fire Ants Attack
As the mother of two adventuresome toddlers and the wife of a lawn-mowing, trail hiking husband, I knew that we were bound to have a run in with fire ants now that we live here in the “mid-south”. I just never thought that I would be the one to get chewed on. Before we even moved to Little Rock, I visited the Master Gardeners booth at the Rivermarket to find out about native plants. When the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
Ode to My Clothesline
I love my clothesline. You know, clothesline? A string between two poles in your backyard with clips on it? Your grandmother probably has one. It’s totally making a comeback. In fact, I was surprised when the topic came up among the moms on the playground a few weeks ago, and several moms professed their love for outdoor laundering. Some people imagine that hanging clothes out on a line to dry them is a lot of extra … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Go Green, Homemaking, Spending Less
Race for the Cure
We’ve been living in Little Rock for nearly a year now, a fact that is made obvious by the repetition of some yearly events in the same setting. At the end of August, my daughter Carina will turn three. We’ll celebrate with a party at our house. Her second birthday a year ago was the first party we had in our new home. Like all parents, I am amazed by and proud of the growth and development my baby, nay toddler, nay little big person has achieved over the past year. I’m also gearing up for this year’s Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, which was the first large event I experienced in downtown Little Rock last fall. To call it a “large event” is an understatement. It was probably … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
How it Began
On the evening of the Senior Awards Banquet, my mom and I sat together in the gymnasium bleachers to watch my cousin Jeremy receive some award, I don’t remember what. I was a junior, one year younger, and was interested in what types of awards I might be eligible for a year later. There were pins given for the top grade in each class subject. After Travis Brawner, a handsome guy who was the star kicker of the football team and a pretty good pole vaulter, received his third or forth pin in home economics, I turned to share my surprise with mom. She grinned at me and said, “You should marry that boy, Fawn. He is better at the domestic stuff than you are!” Flash forward 15 years. Travis is … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Go Green, Mommyhood, Travel, Write & Blog