Instead of the Dishes » Mommyhood
A Day of Reckoning
When I got up today, I weighed myself. The scale said this: 145 is a pretty “average” weight for me, but it hit me wrong this morning. I thought about it a lot. The problem is that it’s the most I’ve weighed in probably two years. The number has been inching up there. I’ve seen it coming. I wouldn’t mind to weigh this much if I was fit and strong. But, I also am very aware … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
For Lucy
Way down, at the very bottom of my email inbox is an email that I received from my friend Lucy on August 9, 2010. It’s a list of topics that she suggested I write about here on Instead of the Dishes. I’ve kept that list for all this time, planning to someday check them all off, and still I haven’t. So, this post is for Lucy, to tie up some of those subjects she sent me so long ago. It’s her list, with not quite a whole blog post for each, but at least my thoughts. Lucy’s email specified that these subjects are in no particular order: 1. Why do you stay at home with your children instead of have an outside job? Wow, things have changed a lot since you asked me … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
A Day in the Life: Let’s talk about you!
Did you read all the great posts in the “Motherhood: A Day in the Life” series? Here are links: The Intro to the Series (by me, Fawn) Karen from Ting’s Mom Stephanie M from Evolved Mommy Stephanie B from Park Wife Shannon from NWA Motherlode Holly from Simply Organized NWA Julie from Connected Distractions Jaqueline from Sherry from A Modern Missouri Homesteader I was so sad to see it end that I decided to not let it end! But, I need your help. I would like to continue to run Day in the Life guest posts on a semi-regular basis for as long as I have folks that want to provide me with those posts. So, if you’d like to let us in to your corner of the world, please let me know! You can email me at fawnwarner at gmail … Read entire article »
Filed under: Guest Blogger, Mommyhood
Motherhood: A Day in the Life #8 – Sherry
Across the Board, Wall-to-Wall and 24 hours with Teenagers! I am pleased, happy, overwhelmed and completely blessed to be the mom of three boys, ages 15, 13 and 11. I know that every family experiences the teenage years differently, as kids are different and family dynamics vary. Even so, I think there are attributes among this age group that are universal. It can be compared to a second bout of the terrible twos. For both of my … Read entire article »
Filed under: 417 With Kids, Guest Blogger, Mommyhood
Motherhood: A Day in the Life #7 – Jacqueline
It has taken me quite a while to realize that I am living the dream. Really! So many people are reading books and blogs about downsizing and living simpler and our family made that leap 10 years ago, before it was fashionable. We are trendsetters, risk takers or just plain crazy – you can decide for yourself. 10 years ago we took the risk of moving, sight unseen, to a little town in the Ozarks from … Read entire article »
Filed under: Guest Blogger, Mommyhood
Motherhood: A Day in the Life #6 – Julie
T minus months to parental retirement My alarm starts going off at 6:20AM. I really should get up then. If I did, my morning would be less hectic. But I never do. I don’t have parenting duties in the morning like I used to have. My son is capable of getting up and getting out of the house on his own. Still, I usually make sure he’s out of bed by 7:05. Sometimes he’s glad because he’s … Read entire article »
Filed under: Guest Blogger, Mommyhood