Instead of the Dishes » Travel
Farmers are Mothers Too

Last Friday I had the pleasure of touring three working farms in Bolivar Missouri, thanks to the Missouri Farm Bureau, who reached out to the Missouri Women Bloggers to set up a blogger tour. I have had several opportunities to learn about agriculture in Arkansas, but this was my first chance to get behind the scenes here in MO. As I listened to three farmers talk about their farms at a row crop farm, then a dairy, … Read entire article »
Down in the Delta

Helena, Arkansas is a small city on the banks of the Mississippi River. Some would call it a town, but I’m going to call it a city because of 1) Its size relative to other towns in the Delta Region, and 2) The number of descriptive words that come to my mind when I think about my recent visit there. Helena right now is such an interesting mix of things: historical, progressive, cultural, charming, adventuresome, southern, … Read entire article »
Shopping and Eating in Historic Hillcrest

The Historic Hillcrest neighborhood is one of those places that I wish I would have spent more time in when I lived in Little Rock. Last time I visited I took notes and pictures on all the fun places to eat and shop. You can read all about it over at Only in Arkansas. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Guest Blogger, Things to Do in Central Arkansas, Travel
I’ve Got the Blues

But in a good way! Today I am wearing my “I Love Helena” t-shirt because I am getting really excited about heading down to the King Biscuit Blues Festival October 8-11 in Helena, Arkansas. Over the weekend I learned about “Japanese Blues” at a Japanese Festival. That was really interesting, but I couldn’t understand what she was saying. Then, a friend shared this video of this two year old singing the blues. Very entertaining, but I couldn’t understand him … Read entire article »
A Trail of Two Cities

I want to share with you a trail of two cities. There’s action and adventure, drama and suspense, and probably some humor if you bring a funny friend. The story begins over at Only in Arkansas, where I have a post up all about the Arkansas River Trail. It’s a great place to ride with friends or family, whether you opt for the entire loop or just a small section. I’ve split the trail into four … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Fitness, Guest Blogger, Health & Fitness, Things to Do in Central Arkansas, Travel
AWBU ’14 Conference: Why You Should Go (Plus: Swag Giveaway!)

It’s that time of year again – I’m gearing up for the Arkansas Women Bloggers University (AWBU), the bestest blog conference there is, IMO. The conference is September 5-7 and the registration deadline is September 1. Now, I hear your brain starting to prioritize reasons why you shouldn’t/can’t/might not like to go. I am here to tell you different. No matter which of these bloggers you most identify with, I can tell you why you … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Write & Blog