Instead of the Dishes » Write & Blog

I attended the Arkansas Women Bloggers University conference at the beginning of this month. Usually I do a wrap-up post here and give away some swag. This year I’m doing something a little different. Today I’ve got a post up over on the MISSOURI Women Bloggers website that includes the swag giveaway. I am excited about being able to help another state grow within the Women Bloggers community. If you are a blogger, or want to … Read entire article »
Filed under: Write & Blog
AWBU ’14 Conference: Why You Should Go (Plus: Swag Giveaway!)

It’s that time of year again – I’m gearing up for the Arkansas Women Bloggers University (AWBU), the bestest blog conference there is, IMO. The conference is September 5-7 and the registration deadline is September 1. Now, I hear your brain starting to prioritize reasons why you shouldn’t/can’t/might not like to go. I am here to tell you different. No matter which of these bloggers you most identify with, I can tell you why you … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Write & Blog
One Community: June 2014

I have not been doing well keeping up with my New Year’s resolution to blog more and take part in the One Community project (more details on what it is at the bottom of the post), but I’m jumping back on the wagon! This month’s theme words were chosen by Kara. They are: road, float, sprinkler, oasis. Road We traveled to Florida at the beginning of this month. On the way through Northeast Arkansas, we marveled at the cloud formations. Float My … Read entire article »
Filed under: Garden, Not the Dishes, Travel, Write & Blog
I am Miss February!

Yes, I know. I’m not exactly the calendar girl type. But, I am uber honored to be Miss February over at the Missouri Women Bloggers Network! This month I’ll be sharing posts related to this month’s theme of “Using Your Voice to Change the World”. My first post is up now. If you want to scroll past my basic biographical information, you’ll find a list of ways that you can utilize the Missouri Women Bloggers … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blogging Tips, Guest Blogger, Write & Blog
Six Ways to Organize Your Blog in 2014

Today I have a guest post up over at the Missouri Women Bloggers website. After helping to start the Arkansas Women Bloggers way back when and watching that network grow, I am so excited that there is now a Women Bloggers in Missouri! It’s a great resource for bloggers, as well as for those of you who are interested in reading local blogs. If you are a blogger or are interested in becoming a blogger, my post … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blogging Tips, Guest Blogger, Write & Blog
March: Rolling out the Welcome Mat

My friends, this may be the longest I have ever gone between blog posts. February has been wild and crazy, what with preparing to open up Little Grins Dental and all. And while I haven’t been able actually type at the keyboard much, I have been blogging and plotting in my head for these past three weeks like nobody’s business. While February has been an lonely and desolate time here at Instead of the Dishes, I … Read entire article »
Filed under: Not the Dishes, Write & Blog