Instead of the Dishes » Write & Blog
Ornament Exchange! #ARWB

This year the Arkansas Women Bloggers put together a fun hand-made ornament exchange among the member bloggers. Even though I now live here in Missouri, they still let me play along! I was tickled to be assigned The Park Wife as my ornament recipient. She is my oldest and bestest blog buddy. (Not meaning she is old, meaning she is the first fellow blogger I made friends with.) Anyhow, I tried my hand at some blog-inspired … Read entire article »
Filed under: Not the Dishes, Write & Blog
Live Blogging at Bloggy Boot Camp Dallas

Hi everyone! Over the weekend I had the great fortune of traveling to Dallas to attend Bloggy Boot Camp, thanks to a sponsorship from Petit Jean Meats. I live blogged each of the sessions for the Arkansas Women Bloggers, which was great fun. If you’re interested in blogging, head on over and check out these posts: Top Ten Tips for Blogging Success What You Really Need to Know About Blog Design Success in eBooks Business of Blogging Blogging About Your … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blogging Tips, Guest Blogger, Write & Blog
#AWBU 2012 Session Recap: The Business of Blogging

I mentioned in my AWBU conference recap that I had the opportunity to present a session with the PR maven Natalie Ghidotti about the Business of Blogging. I thought I’d post up some of the info that we presented. Given that our presentation was only an hour, we did our best to give a general overview of ways to generate income from blogging. First, this big statement in bold: There is no quick and dirty way to … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blogging Tips, Write & Blog
#AWBU 2012: Whatever

This past weekend I ran off into the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas to visit the new home of my dear bloggy friend, The Park Wife. Turns out about 70 other bloggers came to visit her too. It was the second annual Arkansas Women Bloggers Unplugged (AWBU) conference, and oh my goodness, it was a big deal. If you want to see pretty pictures and more recaps, go here. Since I am no longer part of the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Not the Dishes, Travel, Write & Blog
My Little Calendar Girl

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Gosh, you went off to a blog conference two weeks ago, and you haven’t written a blog post since!” Oh. Wait. Yeah. That was me thinking that. Not you. Well, it cannot be helped, my friends, so let’s just carry on and pretend I’ve been on vacation somewhere extremely exotic with no internet. Right. So, there were many fruits from the blog conference, but for now, I have this … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Not the Dishes, Write & Blog