Instead of the Dishes » There’s a Word for That
There's a Word for That: Panqueque
Carina has become highly interested in the Spanish language over the past month or so. I thought it would be fun for her to read some books in Spanish, so we hit the library and picked up If You Give a Pig a Pancake in both English and Spanish. The Spanish title is Si Le Das un Panqueque a una Cerdita. I thought it was funny that the Spanish word for pancake is panqueque. Obviously, a pancake is called a pancake because you cook it in a pan. So, the Spanish translation would make more sense if it was something like pastel (cake) de cacerola (pan) or something along those lines. As it is, the direct translation of panqueque is Breadwhatwhat. I may be wrong, but I’m thinking that the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood, There's a Word for That, Write & Blog
There’s a Word for That: Squash

The official Fall season is one week old today. Even though the weather here in the south isn’t very Fall-like yet, there’s another way to tell that it’s Fall. Squash. I was given these beauties by the Hankins family. They gave me even more, but I gave some to the neighbor. Luckily tomorrow is my turn to make the supper swap dinner. Have you ever seen such huge zucchini? In the midst of trying to figure out … Read entire article »
Filed under: Garden, Go Green, There's a Word for That
There's a Word for That: Tricky D
Remember that G Love song called Cold Beverage? The refrain was, “Stick it in the fridge, stick it in the fridge, stick it in the fridge. Stick it in the fridge.” So, how come the word fridge has a D in it when the word refrigerator does not? (Even though I try to stick a d in refrigerator every time I type it.) This is a word-related question that I couldn’t find a direct, definitely correct answer for. What do you think? … Read entire article »
Filed under: There's a Word for That, Write & Blog
Twingle Defined
Ok, I’m a day late, but that’s because the guys who are putting in our sprinkler system hacked right through my internet cable line yesterday. For shame. I was like a fish out of water. A Twingle is a single child who is often mistaken for a twin, due to being close in age to a sibling with similar physical appearance. So a twingle is always part of a pair of twingles. My kids are indeed twingles. The are 17 months apart in age, and look more like one another than they look like their parents. We get asked all the time if they are twins (or people just assume) and have also been asked several times if we adopted our twins. This phenomenon seems to be getting worse as Callen … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood, There's a Word for That
There's a Word for That: Twingle
It’s been a while since we’ve done an “interactive” TWT, so here we go. I made up a word today: Twingle. Not like that time when I thought I made up the word momcation only to find out a year later that it is being used all over the place by moms with wanderlust. No, this time, I really did make up a word. Now, twingle is a homograph (remember that from last week’s TWT post?), so if you do a search online for “twingle” you’ll get results, but that twingle has a different definition. No, this twingle is all mine. My very own word. I’m twingle’s mama. So, now the interactive part: What is the definition of twingle? (not that other twingle. MY twingle.) Leave a comment with what you think … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood, There's a Word for That
There's a Word for That: 'nyms
A few weeks back, my friend Stephanie sent me this message: “Why are there so many words with multiple, seemingly unrelated meanings? For example, a litter can mean newborn animals, trash or to leave trash lying about, AND a basket used in rescues. None of those seem related at all.” Steph is a teacher, so she probably already knows that the word “litter” is a homonym. You probably learned about it in English class, but your brain has since flushed that fact to make room for other more pertinent things. Homonyms are words that sound the same, but have different meanings. Litter is also a homograph. Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have multiple meanings. There are also heteronyms, which are words that are … Read entire article »
Filed under: There's a Word for That, Write & Blog