Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "back to school"
Back to School Prep

Today makes the start of the 7 day countdown til school starts! I get just as excited about back to school as the kids do – I fully embrace the return to a set schedule and an increase in brain-expanding activities for everyone. But, there’s much to be done before the big day comes. I thought I would share my back-to-school to-do list here. Purchase and pack up school supplies – I live in Wal-Mart country, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Homemaking, Mommyhood
Back to School: Pick Day

Ok everyone, I’m nearly finished talking about Back to School. After all, we’re nearly a week in here, so it’s starting to be about just School and not so much about getting back to it. But, first I want to tell you about a new tradition that started rather organically this year, although I’m sure we’ll keep it around for a long time. It all started the day before the day before the first day of … Read entire article »
Back to School: Calendar Keeping

I was up way too late last night. It was day three of back to school, and I thought I better get a handle on things before they got out of hand. Things being Calendars. Between the snack calendar, lunch menu, two different soccer schedules, a weekly calendar, the school holiday calendar, Cal’s daily preschool schedule, a special classes schedule, and ongoing, incoming special events, there are suddenly a lot of schedules to keep track … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Homemaking, Mommyhood
Back to School: Volunteering

Volunteering at your kid’s school is one of those things. It sounds good when you say it. It feels good when you put your name on the little sign up sheet. It might even seem exciting when you attend the first PTA meeting. But, volunteering is hard. Not because the work is hard. We can all pitch in in one way or another, and while working the “fishing for grab bags” booth at the school fair … Read entire article »
Back to School: Ideas from the Past

It is the official back to school day in our neck of the woods, and it’s also Callen’s “Pick Day” (I’ll be posting about what that is soon), so we’ve been busy today! I still have some new back to school ideas to share with you, but for today, here are a few back to school posts from the past: A Back-to-School Booklist – Check out this great list of books that are all about going … Read entire article »
Filed under: Homemaking, Mommyhood
Back to School Closet Organization (on the cheap)

One huge aspect of getting ready for school this year was closet organization. I didn’t need anything fancy. Afterall, we’re talking about kids’ closets, and ours often look like this: The picture above actually shows the closet organization project in progress. Craig added a low bar at the back of the closet where I hang “outfits” – one top and one bottom on a hanger together – for the kids to select from so that they … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Homemaking, Mommyhood, Spending Less