Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "beef"
Farmers are Mothers Too

Last Friday I had the pleasure of touring three working farms in Bolivar Missouri, thanks to the Missouri Farm Bureau, who reached out to the Missouri Women Bloggers to set up a blogger tour. I have had several opportunities to learn about agriculture in Arkansas, but this was my first chance to get behind the scenes here in MO. As I listened to three farmers talk about their farms at a row crop farm, then a dairy, … Read entire article »
Buying a Cow (or part of one)

In February we are enjoying our One Small Change at dinner time, mostly. In January we purchased an eighth of a “locally grown” cow. Actually, the cow came from Southwest Missouri, just like our locally grown veggies. Funnily ironic. Anyhow, I was very excited when our friends Ashlee & Rodney offered us the opportunity to get a portion of a cow from their family’s cow. At first, I was concerned about how much space that much … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Around the Town, Go Green, Homemaking, Mommyhood