Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "calendar"
8 Apps to Make Your 2016 Goals a Success

Happy New Year! I have a little confession – I like the New Year holiday way more than Christmas. It’s a great time for assessment, refocusing, and setting goals across the channels of your life. I love assessment and goals. Sometimes I struggle with focus though. Thankfully, my ever present smartphone keeps me in line. Here are the 8 apps I’m currently using to keep my 2016 goals and resolutions in check: HabitBull This is a new … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Grocery Shopping, Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood, Product Reviews
Back to School: Calendar Keeping

I was up way too late last night. It was day three of back to school, and I thought I better get a handle on things before they got out of hand. Things being Calendars. Between the snack calendar, lunch menu, two different soccer schedules, a weekly calendar, the school holiday calendar, Cal’s daily preschool schedule, a special classes schedule, and ongoing, incoming special events, there are suddenly a lot of schedules to keep track … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Homemaking, Mommyhood
My Little Calendar Girl

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Gosh, you went off to a blog conference two weeks ago, and you haven’t written a blog post since!” Oh. Wait. Yeah. That was me thinking that. Not you. Well, it cannot be helped, my friends, so let’s just carry on and pretend I’ve been on vacation somewhere extremely exotic with no internet. Right. So, there were many fruits from the blog conference, but for now, I have this … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Not the Dishes, Write & Blog
Today Only: $30 for $100 worth of Photobooks, Cards, and Calendars from Picaboo

This deal is directly from Picaboo and is good for today only. I’ve written before about Picaboo’s photo books – they’re the best quality with the biggest range of design selection of any company I’ve used, so I highly recommend them, and with a 70% savings, now’s a great time to give them a try! Just click here to get your $100 gift certificate for $30. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Daily Deals, Frugal Fawn, Spending Less