Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "discount"
AWBU ’14 Conference: Why You Should Go (Plus: Swag Giveaway!)

It’s that time of year again – I’m gearing up for the Arkansas Women Bloggers University (AWBU), the bestest blog conference there is, IMO. The conference is September 5-7 and the registration deadline is September 1. Now, I hear your brain starting to prioritize reasons why you shouldn’t/can’t/might not like to go. I am here to tell you different. No matter which of these bloggers you most identify with, I can tell you why you … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Write & Blog
Relish! Meal Planning Gifts and a giveaway

With the chaos of this summer’s move and everything that has gone on since, I had gotten out of the meal planning groove. But, I’m happy to say, over the past few months I’ve jumped back in and am wondering why I ever stopped doing it in the first place. Meal planning isn’t hard. In fact, it makes life easier. And at the bottom of this post, I’m giving away something that will make it … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Grocery Shopping, Homemaking, Mommyhood, Product Reviews, Spending Less
My Preschooler Stole My Heelys

Way back in August, I received an offer to try out and review a pair of Heelys, those shoes with wheels in the bottom of them. Heelys recently launched a line of women’s styles that I thought would be fun for chasing the kids on their bikes. As I was telling hubby about this in the car, Callen erupted from the back seat: “WHAT?! Heelys? I LOVE Heelys! They’re like shoes, but they ROLL! and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood, Product Reviews
Relish Meal Planning Winners and Discounts

First, Congratulations to the two winners of my Relish! and Gfree Meal Planning giveaway, Jenn and Jennifer! Enjoy your meal planning memberships, ladies! Second, don’t forget that you can still get 20% off of a Relish! membership. Just go here and enter the code INSTEAD to get your discount. This code is only good on the Relish! site and will expire on March 1, 2014. Happy Meal Planning All! We are going to start the Gfree meal … Read entire article »
Filed under: Daily Deals, Frugal Fawn, Homemaking, Mommyhood, Spending Less
Relish! and GFree Meal Planning Giveaway

Happy Monday everyone! After trying out a few different meal planning services, I’ve decided that Relish! is still my favorite. The interface is easy to use, I like the format of the shopping list and recipes, and the meals are easy to prepare, but look and taste gourmet. If you want to know more about Relish! Meal Planning, you can read the review I wrote here. Relish! has also just come out with a new … Read entire article »
Filed under: Homemaking, Mommyhood