Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "fitness"
January Cross Training: Week 4 #xtrainJan16

Well, I have to say that week 4 of this project has definitely been the toughest. Frankly, I’m running out of new workouts to do. Not that there aren’t tons of things I haven’t tried, but accessing and scheduling these things is definitely a science. Two weekends in row of travel didn’t help either. But alas, we have made it to the end. I think I have taken more selfies this month than the cumulative … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
January Cross Training: Week 1 #xtrainJan16

My whirlwind life wound down a bit in December, so I took the lull as an opportunity to get back in the fitness habit. But, I’m a runner, and I’m allergic to the cold, so winter is hard on me. I decided to do a different workout each day in January to keep things interesting. I posted on Facebook as asked folks to tell me their favorite workout. I got a huge response with lots … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
8 Apps to Make Your 2016 Goals a Success

Happy New Year! I have a little confession – I like the New Year holiday way more than Christmas. It’s a great time for assessment, refocusing, and setting goals across the channels of your life. I love assessment and goals. Sometimes I struggle with focus though. Thankfully, my ever present smartphone keeps me in line. Here are the 8 apps I’m currently using to keep my 2016 goals and resolutions in check: HabitBull This is a new … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Grocery Shopping, Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood, Product Reviews
A Day of Reckoning

When I got up today, I weighed myself. The scale said this: 145 is a pretty “average” weight for me, but it hit me wrong this morning. I thought about it a lot. The problem is that it’s the most I’ve weighed in probably two years. The number has been inching up there. I’ve seen it coming. I wouldn’t mind to weigh this much if I was fit and strong. But, I also am very aware … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
Resolutions: Looking Back, Moving Forward
New Year’s Resolutions are an interesting thing. Everyone has an opinion about them. Some folks thrive on them, and others think they are evil. Personally, I’m a big fan. I like the concepts of change and renewal, especially the kind I can control. First, I want to take a look back at 2010’s resolutions. 1. Eat More Local Food. Hearing Joel Salatin speak really inspired me to make this change. We shopped at the Farmers Markets in both Little Rock and North Little Rock, and also enjoyed shopping and lunching at the new Argenta Market. We are SOO thankful for our friends and neighbors, Meredith Neesvig and her parents Randy and Elaine Hankins, who brought us loads of produce from their farm in Ash Grove, MO. Funny that we moved to Arkansas … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood