Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "giveaway"
AWBU ’14 Conference: Why You Should Go (Plus: Swag Giveaway!)

It’s that time of year again – I’m gearing up for the Arkansas Women Bloggers University (AWBU), the bestest blog conference there is, IMO. The conference is September 5-7 and the registration deadline is September 1. Now, I hear your brain starting to prioritize reasons why you shouldn’t/can’t/might not like to go. I am here to tell you different. No matter which of these bloggers you most identify with, I can tell you why you … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Write & Blog
Gifts that Feel Good #3: Teaching Children to Give {giveaway}

Teaching a child how to give is a gift that not only benefits that child, but also society as a whole. The materialistic American culture is much more about “getting” than “giving”, more about seeing what we can amass for ourselves rather than making sure others have what they need. Giving isn’t in innate skill for most – it’s something that we need to teach, and when the concept clicks with a young one, the … Read entire article »
Gifts that Feel Good #1: Petit Jean Meats Breakfast Box {review and giveaway}

I recently had the opportunity to hear the founder of TOMS Shoes, Blake Mycoskie, speak. On why he incorporated giving into his company, he said, “Giving feels really good. That in itself is a reason to do it.” This year I am featuring a series of posts about Gifts that Feel Good. On Saturday morning I woke up to the smell of bacon and the sound of children laughing. It made me immediately happy. Petit Jean … Read entire article »
Filed under: Homemaking, Mommyhood, Not the Dishes, Product Reviews
5 OTHER Reasons to Volunteer with PTA

Disclosure: I had already planned to write this blog post, and then I convinced to let me add the giveaway component to it. They provided me with a $50 gift card for a separate project that I did for them, which I gifted to a classroom in another school district. They also provided the $50 gift card that I’m giving away at the bottom of this post. Now that school is back in … Read entire article »
Back to School: What Day is It? {giveaway}

Disclosure: Mead provided me with a free On-the-Go Family planner (although I already own three of them). All opinions contained within this post are my own. It’s Wednesday, and my Facebook stream has been full of “First Day of School” pictures for a whole week as friends all over the country send their kiddos back to the books and we all return to a more normal and probably more busy schedule. Sometimes these new schedules are … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood, Product Reviews
100 Days of Summertime Winners

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Congrats to Sarah and Lenora, the winners of the 2013 100 Days of Summertime eBook planner giveaway – I’ve emailed both of you. Hope to see you on the 100 Days of Summertime Facebook page! Don’t forget that you can download this handy resource for just $5. Just head over to the 100 Days of Summertime website and you’ll have it in a few clicks. There’s also a free downloadable excerpt if you … Read entire article »
Filed under: Booklists, Health & Fitness, Homemaking, Mommyhood, Product Reviews