Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "green"
Tis the Season…For Catalogs

Check your mailbox. I bet they’re in there. Catalogs. This time a year, it seems some companies start sending a new catalog once a week. I know I get tons of catalogs for companies I’ve never purchased anything from. Others I’m familiar with, but I still don’t need a paper catalog when the internet is right at my finger tips. So, this evening I sat down with the most recent stack of catalogs that were … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Go Green
Ode to My Clothesline

I love my clothesline. You know, clothesline? A string between two poles in your backyard with clips on it? Your grandmother probably has one. It’s totally making a comeback. In fact, I was surprised when the topic came up among the moms on the playground a few weeks ago, and several moms professed their love for outdoor laundering. Some people imagine that hanging clothes out on a line to dry them is a lot of extra … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Go Green, Homemaking, Spending Less