Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "grocery list"
8 Apps to Make Your 2016 Goals a Success

Happy New Year! I have a little confession – I like the New Year holiday way more than Christmas. It’s a great time for assessment, refocusing, and setting goals across the channels of your life. I love assessment and goals. Sometimes I struggle with focus though. Thankfully, my ever present smartphone keeps me in line. Here are the 8 apps I’m currently using to keep my 2016 goals and resolutions in check: HabitBull This is a new … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Grocery Shopping, Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood, Product Reviews
Beach Vacation Meal Plan

You’ve probably seen the jokes, or perhaps this article from the Onion, about how moms still have to run a household when on vacation at the beach. It’s kind of true (I swept up at least five pounds of sand, ran three loads of wash, and cooked several meals on our last visit), but homesteading in a beach condo is still pretty nice if you ask me. One thing that makes it a little easier is to … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Grocery Shopping, Spending Less, Travel