Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "Housekeeping"
I Have Commitment Issues
Right at this moment, I should be writing about three different articles that I have floating in my head. Really, there’s nothing to stop me. It’s 9:10pm and the rest of my family is in bed… asleep…probably. And therein lies the problem. Before kids I loved commitment. If anything, I was over committed. At work, I took on duties that were not part of my job description. If I thought of something that would help my coworkers or the organization I worked for, I took it on and made sure it got done. In my free time, I was committed to training for sprint distance triathalons. And of course, I was committed completely and without competition in my love for my husband. Now, “after” kids, I have a hard time with commitment. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood, Write & Blog
Ode to My Clothesline

I love my clothesline. You know, clothesline? A string between two poles in your backyard with clips on it? Your grandmother probably has one. It’s totally making a comeback. In fact, I was surprised when the topic came up among the moms on the playground a few weeks ago, and several moms professed their love for outdoor laundering. Some people imagine that hanging clothes out on a line to dry them is a lot of extra … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Go Green, Homemaking, Spending Less
How it Began
On the evening of the Senior Awards Banquet, my mom and I sat together in the gymnasium bleachers to watch my cousin Jeremy receive some award, I don’t remember what. I was a junior, one year younger, and was interested in what types of awards I might be eligible for a year later. There were pins given for the top grade in each class subject. After Travis Brawner, a handsome guy who was the star kicker of the football team and a pretty good pole vaulter, received his third or forth pin in home economics, I turned to share my surprise with mom. She grinned at me and said, “You should marry that boy, Fawn. He is better at the domestic stuff than you are!” Flash forward 15 years. Travis is … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Go Green, Mommyhood, Travel, Write & Blog