Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "how to"
Try Technology Tickets to Trim TV Time

First, I just want to say that part of the reason I love blogging is because I get to come up with goofy post titles. *grin* We started using technology tickets last school year to help keep track of how much “screen time” our kids were getting. Today, I’m sharing how to make and use a technology ticket system over at my friend Rhonda’s Blog, Bramell, Party of Five. If you need to tame the technology … Read entire article »
Filed under: Guest Blogger, Homemaking, Mommyhood
Six Ways to Organize Your Blog in 2014

Today I have a guest post up over at the Missouri Women Bloggers website. After helping to start the Arkansas Women Bloggers way back when and watching that network grow, I am so excited that there is now a Women Bloggers in Missouri! It’s a great resource for bloggers, as well as for those of you who are interested in reading local blogs. If you are a blogger or are interested in becoming a blogger, my post … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blogging Tips, Guest Blogger, Write & Blog
My Preschooler Stole My Heelys

Way back in August, I received an offer to try out and review a pair of Heelys, those shoes with wheels in the bottom of them. Heelys recently launched a line of women’s styles that I thought would be fun for chasing the kids on their bikes. As I was telling hubby about this in the car, Callen erupted from the back seat: “WHAT?! Heelys? I LOVE Heelys! They’re like shoes, but they ROLL! and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood, Product Reviews