Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "humor"
Motherhood is Like a Cruise

Hubby and I were watching a “behind the scenes” type show about the cruise ship industry. They were talking about the tons of food that is prepared and consumed on each cruise, how much fuel is burned each day, and how many crewmembers working ten hour shifts for seven days in a row it takes to make the cruisers’ vacations magical. As the credits rolled, hubs said, “Can you imagine doing all that work every … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Homemaking, Mommyhood
I am a Kung Fu Master & Other Things to Avoid Saying When Applying for a Job

Today’s guest blogger is Sarah from East 9th Street. She’s a full time working mama living in the Chicago area – a perfect person to post on what is a cold, snowy day here at my house. It’s also a great day for some LOLs. Thanks Sarah! For the last 15 years I have sifted through resume after resume looking for awesomesauce candidates to join my the various organizations I have worked for. The way applicants … Read entire article »
Filed under: Guest Blogger, Not the Dishes
My First Spring Break With a Minivan

Today’s guest blogger, Heather Davis, is known for her witty humor and wisdom and you’ll see why in her post. I met Heather last year at the Arkansas Women Bloggers conference, even though she is from Oklahoma and I’m from Missouri. Apparently we’re both party crashers. My younger daughter was born at the end of January, when it was really too cold to do anything but stay inside and cuddle up with a powder-y smelling baby … Read entire article »
Filed under: Guest Blogger, Mommyhood