Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "Kids"
Our First National Park

We just wrapped up a big trip to 9 national parks in the Rocky Mountain region, but coincidentally, an article I wrote about the FIRST national park my daughter ever visited published this week. If you’re interested, you can hop over to the Hot Springs, Arkansas website and learn about the rather surprising National Park located right in the middle of town. You’ll also learn about how the Junior Ranger program works and get some … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Education, Guest Blogger, Mommyhood, Things to Do in Central Arkansas, Travel
School’s Out – Time to Save for College!

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Vanguard and Missouri’s MOST 529 College Savings Plan. We have had MOST 529 college savings plans for our children since they were born. All opinions expressed herein are my own. I’m excited to be co-hosting a Twitter chat with MOST 529 College Savings Plan next week, complete with prizes! More on that in a minute, but first, I want to share the story of why we have 529 savings plans for our kids.Both my … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Frugal Fawn, Mommyhood
UncommonGoods = Uncommonly Good Gifts

This post is sponsored by UncommonGoods. However, I’ve been a big fan of theirs for a few few years now, so you can rest assured that all opinions are genuinely grown in my own brain. March is a big birthday month in my family. My husband, my son, and my nephew will each earn a notch on their trips round the sun belt. And there’s something about these March birthday boys – they’re a little difficult … Read entire article »
Filed under: Go Green, Mommyhood, Product Reviews
Shopping Small with the Help of the Elves in Eureka Springs

Disclosure: We received a one night hotel stay plus a Shop Small goodie bag in exchange for this blog post. All opinions belong to myself, my family, and that pesky ghost that came with us from the Basin Park Hotel. We are long-time fans of the village of Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It’s only about an hour and forty five minutes from our home in Southwest Missouri, but a road trip to Eureka is like going through a time … Read entire article »
Filed under: 417 With Kids, Arkansas, Day Trips, Travel, Weekend Getaways
Motherhood is Like a Cruise

Hubby and I were watching a “behind the scenes” type show about the cruise ship industry. They were talking about the tons of food that is prepared and consumed on each cruise, how much fuel is burned each day, and how many crewmembers working ten hour shifts for seven days in a row it takes to make the cruisers’ vacations magical. As the credits rolled, hubs said, “Can you imagine doing all that work every … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Homemaking, Mommyhood
Kids in the Garden: Watch them Grow

I am proud to say that I have a guest post up over on the Happy Family Blog. It’s all about two of my favorite topics – my kids and our garden. I would super-duper appreciate it if you would hop over and leave a comment. Happy Family is one of our favorite organic food companies – the kids love their smoothie pouches – I freeze them and put them in their lunches, so they … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Garden, Go Green, Guest Blogger, Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood