Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "local food"
Finding Farmers’ Markets and Harvest Fun

I was going to put together a list of Farmers’ Markets in Central Arkansas, but then I found that Julie over at Real Food in Little Rock already had a great list of Farmers’ Markets in Little Rock. Go Here to check it out. If you’re not in Little Rock, check out Local Harvest’s Website to find a Farmers’ Market near you. You can search a variety of different types of resources by zip code. And, if … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Around the Town, Garden, Go Green, Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood, Things to Do in Central Arkansas, Travel
One Small Change: Official Wrap-Up
The One Small Change initiative officially wrapped-up on Earth Day. However, since the project has gotten such a great response, with several of us planning to continue making changes through the year, Hip Mountain Mama has decided to keep the blog going, complete with prizes and guest posts. So, this is my review of the first four changes we made this year: January – Eat More Local Food February – Use Cloth Diapers More March – Build a Garden April – Start Composting Local Food – this one got off to a slow start, but now that the farmer’s markets are opening, and the Argenta Market is in business, it’s much easier to find local food resources. Our little garden in the back yard has started providing a little bit of produce as well: radishes. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Garden, Go Green, Grocery Shopping
Local Food Event
In case you missed it in the comments section of my Hungry Kids post, Brooke over at Parenting from Scratch tipped me off to this great event that addresses local food AND hungry kids. Sounds like an excellent way to spend the evening. Join the ROOT for a Friday Night Dinner on Friday, April 9th, 2010, at Christ Episcopal Church (6th and Scott in downtown Little Rock). Enjoy a sit-down meal made from delicious local ingredients followed by a presentation from the Arkansas Rice Depot, Arkansas’ only statewide food-bank network, about their 28 years of important work combating hunger in Arkansas. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $12 for adults and $5 for kids. Please RSVP to and specify meat or vegetarian … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the Town, Go Green
How Does Your Garden Grow?
As part of my quest to feed my family more local foods, I have been wishing for a garden. Not a big garden, because I have no idea what I am doing. Just a little garden that we can try out; a place to grow a few vegetables and maybe some flowers; a fun spot for the kids to use their little garden trowels and get dirty. And, of course, we would need to take care of the trees we already have in the backyard. I suggest you can navigate to this website, if you need some tree work around your house. I love to pick things, and I think the kids will get a big kick out of eating things they have grown themselves. Last time when I had been to … Read entire article »
One Small Change Update and…Gardening!
My February One Small Change pledge was to use our cloth diapers more. Easy enough – consider it done! We’ve definitely been using those cloth diapers more, and thanks to the warmer weather, we’ve been using the clothes line to dry them too! We’ve also made progress on our January pledge to use more local foods – we got our first Basket A Month (BAM) CSA, which included bacon, turnip greens, cheese, honey, rice, sweet potatoes, milk, and butter – all grown and made locally! I also scored big when I met up with my blog buddy, The Park Wife, and she brought me 18 beautiful brown eggs fresh from her very own chickens! Our March One Small Change is not so small – we’re planting a garden! Hubby is going … Read entire article »