Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "marriage"
For Lucy
Way down, at the very bottom of my email inbox is an email that I received from my friend Lucy on August 9, 2010. It’s a list of topics that she suggested I write about here on Instead of the Dishes. I’ve kept that list for all this time, planning to someday check them all off, and still I haven’t. So, this post is for Lucy, to tie up some of those subjects she sent me so long ago. It’s her list, with not quite a whole blog post for each, but at least my thoughts. Lucy’s email specified that these subjects are in no particular order: 1. Why do you stay at home with your children instead of have an outside job? Wow, things have changed a lot since you asked me … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
Love and Marriage

Today Craig and I are celebrating 6 years of marriage. Sort of. He’s actually away on a business trip, so we celebrated over the weekend. Over a year ago, my dear friend Lucy sent me a list of topics that she’d like to see me write about here on Instead of the Dishes. Along with about ten other ideas, the very last item on the list is “Things you have learned that help keep a marriage … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood, Not the Dishes