Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "MOMcation"
MOMcation 2012

You may have noticed that I haven’t been posting quite as much lately. That’s because I’ve been busy planning MOMcation 2012. This is the third year for MOMcation. It’s a weekend retreat for MOMs and MOMs-to-be to take some time out for themselves. When I came up with this idea back in 2009, I was looking for a way to show other moms how beneficial some me time could be. I wanted to put together something … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Education, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood, Travel
Who put the MOM in MOMcation?
These MOMs did: And this one too: I’ve said it over and over, and just in case you didn’t hear, MOMcation 2010 could not have happened without the planning committee. These moms put in countless hours with no compensation, except for the rather pitiful snacks I supplied at our meetings. They each applied their own special talents to MOMcation to make it special. Valerie was the chief “getter of prizes”. She wrangled more cool prizes and swag than any one person on any project I’ve ever seen. She also organized the jewelry making, deal finding, and cooking I workshops. V is for Versatility and V is for Valerie! Nicole championed the t-shirts and the wine, showed off her charm at an early morning television promotion, and was “the woman behind the curtain” during the … Read entire article »
MOMcation 2010 Wrap-up
MOMcation 2010 wrapped a week ago. So, I’ve had a whole week to ruminate and reflect. If you want it in a nutshell, MOMcation turned out as close to how I had imagined it as possible. Minus the tornadoes. But then, it’s really fitting that Mother Nature would come and show off her skills, talent, and personality at MOMcation too. It was, after all, a retreat for every MOM. The longer version, for those of you who like details and pictures, starts with the fact that 18 wonderful women showed up to Heifer Ranch, near Perryville Arkansas. Some of them had friends in tow, and some of them didn’t know a soul. We had young mothers and grandmothers, working moms and stay at homes, single, married, and things in between. The … Read entire article »
MOMcation 2010
As I mentioned in my last post, there have been a few things preventing me from keeping up with my blog ramblings. One of those items is something that I am quite proud to announce here – MOMcation 2010! MOMcation 2010 is a retreat for moms – a chance to get away from the daily grind, connect with other moms, learn a few new things, and most importantly, relax. Heifer Ranch, located near Perryville AR (about 45 min. NW of Little Rock), will be the location of the retreat. You can visit the website to learn more: The idea started with my own MOMcations (MOM vacations). On a MOMcation with my friend Kristen, I hatched the idea of creating a series of retreats for women and families. Several of my friends … Read entire article »