Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "One Small Change"
Buying a Cow (or part of one)

In February we are enjoying our One Small Change at dinner time, mostly. In January we purchased an eighth of a “locally grown” cow. Actually, the cow came from Southwest Missouri, just like our locally grown veggies. Funnily ironic. Anyhow, I was very excited when our friends Ashlee & Rodney offered us the opportunity to get a portion of a cow from their family’s cow. At first, I was concerned about how much space that much … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Around the Town, Go Green, Homemaking, Mommyhood
Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent

The One Small Change initiative is starting back up again. I’m very excited about this, as I’ve fallen off the horse a bit, and this will motivate me to get back to doing something “green” each month. I’m hoping to do a post to recap the “One Small Changes” we made in 2010, but in case I don’t get it done, here’s a link to all of the One Small Change Posts. I’d like to formally … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Go Green, Homemaking
Add a Rain Gauge to Your Sprinkler System

In August, we had a sprinkler system installed, as the first step in completely re-doing our front yard. Our one small change for August is that handyman hubby added this do-hickey: For an extra $35 and 5 minutes of Craig’s time, this little guy is now wired into our control box. When it rains more than 3/8 of an inch, the sensor disables our sprinkler system for 24 hours. It saves water, and money! Craig said … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Frugal Fawn, Go Green, Spending Less
One Small Change: Official Wrap-Up
The One Small Change initiative officially wrapped-up on Earth Day. However, since the project has gotten such a great response, with several of us planning to continue making changes through the year, Hip Mountain Mama has decided to keep the blog going, complete with prizes and guest posts. So, this is my review of the first four changes we made this year: January – Eat More Local Food February – Use Cloth Diapers More March – Build a Garden April – Start Composting Local Food – this one got off to a slow start, but now that the farmer’s markets are opening, and the Argenta Market is in business, it’s much easier to find local food resources. Our little garden in the back yard has started providing a little bit of produce as well: radishes. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Garden, Go Green, Grocery Shopping
One Small Change Update and…Gardening!
My February One Small Change pledge was to use our cloth diapers more. Easy enough – consider it done! We’ve definitely been using those cloth diapers more, and thanks to the warmer weather, we’ve been using the clothes line to dry them too! We’ve also made progress on our January pledge to use more local foods – we got our first Basket A Month (BAM) CSA, which included bacon, turnip greens, cheese, honey, rice, sweet potatoes, milk, and butter – all grown and made locally! I also scored big when I met up with my blog buddy, The Park Wife, and she brought me 18 beautiful brown eggs fresh from her very own chickens! Our March One Small Change is not so small – we’re planting a garden! Hubby is going … Read entire article »