Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "online"
Why Aren’t You Ordering Your Groceries Online!?

Friends, on Saturday I went to Hy-Vee and spent $200, but I never even went inside! I spent 5 minutes in the parking lot and went home with a trunk crammed full of groceries. Yes indeed, I ordered my groceries through Hy-Vee’s Aisles Online program. The only regret I have is that I did not know about this service sooner! If you order at least $100 worth of items, the Aisles Online service is completely free. And if … Read entire article »
Filed under: 417 With Kids, Grocery Shopping, Homemaking, Product Reviews, Shopping
Stitch Fix for the Fashion-Challenged

From the pre-teen years when everyone had leather jackets and swatch watches except me, to high school when I rotated the same 7ish outfits very carefully on a schedule, and on into motherhood, when my five year old daughter told me, “I want to be like you mom and not care about what I wear – you know, not very fashiony.” I am not very stylish. I never have been. And then my husband read an article … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood, Product Reviews
Back to School: Calendar Keeping

I was up way too late last night. It was day three of back to school, and I thought I better get a handle on things before they got out of hand. Things being Calendars. Between the snack calendar, lunch menu, two different soccer schedules, a weekly calendar, the school holiday calendar, Cal’s daily preschool schedule, a special classes schedule, and ongoing, incoming special events, there are suddenly a lot of schedules to keep track … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Homemaking, Mommyhood
Who’s Your Nanny?
Ok, so maybe you don’t need a nanny – just the occasional sitter – or maybe you’re looking for someone specifically for New Year’s Eve. I wrote an article for the local paper about finding a sitter for New Years, and I thought I would share my research with you. After all, if your resolutions include doing anything for yourself (and they should) then you might need someone to entertain the kids so they don’t realize that it isn’t all about them. If you don’t have a sitter lined up for New Year’s yet, you’re not alone. Sittercity, a website dedicated to matching parents with caregivers, receives more requests for New Years Eve babysitters today, December 29th , than on any other day of the year. It helps to start the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood