Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "P. Allen Smith"
P. Allen Smith Flashback

It’s dang hot. I was sitting here thinking about how long it’s been since the weather was nice and not stifling, and that made me think of the day back in May when I visited P. Allen Smith’s farm. THEN I realized that I had never posted all the just-plain-fun pictures from the day! So, get some sweet tea, turn on the ceiling fan and pretend it’s a light summer breeze, and envision a warm … Read entire article »
P. Allen Smith’s #Bean2Blog – Part One

Wow. A week ago today, I had the unique and amazing opportunity to spend the day at P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home on Moss Mountain Farm in Roland, Arkansas with 17 other bloggers. If you don’t know, P. Allen Smith is often referred to as “the Martha Stewart of the South”. He’s an outdoor living guru – covering everything from gardening to food to design on his PBS shows, YouTube channel, and books. Moss Mountain … Read entire article »
Filed under: Arkansas, Around the Town, Garden, Travel