Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "race for the cure"
Why I Will Continue to Support the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

For the past four days, my head has been buzzing with all the back and forth over the Susan G Komen Foundation’s (SGK) decision to pull funding from, and then give it back to, Planned Parenthood. The media circus continues to swirl, and it appears that while the initial decision to pull funding created many a foe out of former SGK supporters, there are now also people who are mad about the reversal of the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
A Newbie’s Experience with Race for the Cure
Welcome guest blogger Stephannie Baker, who recently completed her first ever 5k at Arkansas Race for the Cure... If you had asked me one year ago if I was a runner, I would have told you that I am just not biologically cut out for it. I have always been relatively fit but not athletic. Sure, I can handle some yoga, some weight training. But cardio? Not so much. I was that girl at the gym who would run on a treadmill for about 1 minute and get so out of breath that my ribs would hurt and my thighs would itch. I really just assumed there was something wrong with me. But I love obstacle courses, at it brings some kind of adventure into my life. You will get what I … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Guest Blogger, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
Race for the Cure 2010 – Get your pink on!

I got my Race for the Cure shirt in the mail yesterday, which means it’s almost time for the big event. This year’s event is October 16th. It is my third year to run in the Little Rock Race for the Cure, a race that I am absolutely in love with. I’ve blogged about it before here and here. The big draw for me is the purpose of the event (fighting breast cancer via screenings … Read entire article »
Filed under: Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
Arkansas Race for the Cure 2009
Last weekend I ran in my second Komen Race for the Cure 5k. I fell in love with this event last year – there is just something so electrical about 45,000 women gathered in one place, for one cause, with one purpose. There are men and children there too, but it is the girl power that I especially feed off of. This year, this was doubly true, as I fed off of the girl power of the entire crowd, but also of one specific girl in particular that I did not expect. I challenged myself to run the 5k in less than 27 minutes, knowing that it would motivate me for training and also get me a spot closer to the starting line (faster runners wear colored race numbers that gain … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
Race for the Cure
We’ve been living in Little Rock for nearly a year now, a fact that is made obvious by the repetition of some yearly events in the same setting. At the end of August, my daughter Carina will turn three. We’ll celebrate with a party at our house. Her second birthday a year ago was the first party we had in our new home. Like all parents, I am amazed by and proud of the growth and development my baby, nay toddler, nay little big person has achieved over the past year. I’m also gearing up for this year’s Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, which was the first large event I experienced in downtown Little Rock last fall. To call it a “large event” is an understatement. It was probably … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood