Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "recycle"
Tis the Season…For Catalogs

Check your mailbox. I bet they’re in there. Catalogs. This time a year, it seems some companies start sending a new catalog once a week. I know I get tons of catalogs for companies I’ve never purchased anything from. Others I’m familiar with, but I still don’t need a paper catalog when the internet is right at my finger tips. So, this evening I sat down with the most recent stack of catalogs that were … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Go Green
Blog Action Day: Climate Change for Families
I’m excited to be taking part in my first mass-blogging event. Today is Blog Action Day, and this year’s theme is Climate Change. Being a former science center administrator, I know first hand that discussions on climate change can start to feel overwhelming really quickly. That’s doubly true when you’re five and you don’t even know what the word “climate” means. Throw into the mix that many families have different beliefs, religiously based or otherwise, about climate change and what we should or shouldn’t be doing, and you’ve got a hot spot. No matter your background, your age, or your beliefs, the bottom line is that we need to take care of our Earth, since, at the moment, it’s the only human-friendly environment around. The numbers don’t lie, and they do … Read entire article »
Filed under: Around the House, Go Green, Spending Less