Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "review"
Why Aren’t You Ordering Your Groceries Online!?

Friends, on Saturday I went to Hy-Vee and spent $200, but I never even went inside! I spent 5 minutes in the parking lot and went home with a trunk crammed full of groceries. Yes indeed, I ordered my groceries through Hy-Vee’s Aisles Online program. The only regret I have is that I did not know about this service sooner! If you order at least $100 worth of items, the Aisles Online service is completely free. And if … Read entire article »
Filed under: 417 With Kids, Grocery Shopping, Homemaking, Product Reviews, Shopping
January Cross Training: Week 1 #xtrainJan16

My whirlwind life wound down a bit in December, so I took the lull as an opportunity to get back in the fitness habit. But, I’m a runner, and I’m allergic to the cold, so winter is hard on me. I decided to do a different workout each day in January to keep things interesting. I posted on Facebook as asked folks to tell me their favorite workout. I got a huge response with lots … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
Stitch Fix #2

I received my second Stitch Fix a while back and thought I would share it with you. (If you want to learn more about what Stitch Fix is, check out my first Stitch Fix Post) I love seeing other people’s fixes, and it’s interesting to see what they keep and what they send back. So, I thought I’d do things a little differently this time. Here’s what came in my box: The items are: 1. Jacqui Striped … Read entire article »
Filed under: Product Reviews
Setting Sail on the Titanic in Branson (review)

Last weekend my family and I headed down to Branson to take advantage of the special area appreciation rates that the Titanic Museum in Branson was offering. However, we ended up visiting at no charge because I am writing this post about our visit. Aside from our free admission, I did not receive any compensation or special treatment while at the museum. All opinions contained herein belong solely to myself and my family. The Titanic Museum … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood
Gifts that Feel Good #1: Petit Jean Meats Breakfast Box {review and giveaway}

I recently had the opportunity to hear the founder of TOMS Shoes, Blake Mycoskie, speak. On why he incorporated giving into his company, he said, “Giving feels really good. That in itself is a reason to do it.” This year I am featuring a series of posts about Gifts that Feel Good. On Saturday morning I woke up to the smell of bacon and the sound of children laughing. It made me immediately happy. Petit Jean … Read entire article »
Filed under: Homemaking, Mommyhood, Not the Dishes, Product Reviews