Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "school"
Sell-Free, Simple School Fundraiser – Shoparoo!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I really do use Shoparoo, and I really am excited about it, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing about it! All other opinions expressed herein are my own, too. I have a confession to make. I do not like school fundraisers. I abhor spending money on over-priced things that I don’t really want so that a portion of the proceeds will go to my school. It irritates the heck out of me that my kids … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Frugal Fawn, Grocery Shopping, Mommyhood, Product Reviews, Shopping
Teacher Appreciation 101

Disclosure: asked me to write this article. My “pay” is a $25 donation to, which I will be matching with a $25 donation of my own. It’s back to school season (as if you didn’t know). My own little lovelies have been back to it for a few weeks now, but I am still seeing “first day” photos flooding my facebook feed. Every year I am in awe of the job that teachers do. Not only do they … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education
The Procrastinator’s Guide to Teacher Gifts

If you’re a high-level procrastinator like me, the fact that you have to get a gift for your kid’s teacher before school breaks for winter will probably sneak up on you. And don’t forget the secretaries, principal, nurse, counselor, etc. Yikes. Never fear, I have solutions to MacGyver your way out of this one. Section One: Quick, but Not Dirty Gift Cards. According to friends who are teachers and teachers who are friends, gift cards are the best. … Read entire article »
Back to School: Volunteering

Volunteering at your kid’s school is one of those things. It sounds good when you say it. It feels good when you put your name on the little sign up sheet. It might even seem exciting when you attend the first PTA meeting. But, volunteering is hard. Not because the work is hard. We can all pitch in in one way or another, and while working the “fishing for grab bags” booth at the school fair … Read entire article »
School Drop-off Limbo

With both kiddos now officially back to school, we’re adapting to our new schedule. One major wrinkle in time happens on the mornings when I drop my daughter at her school and then have 45 minutes before it’s time to drop off my son at his school, which is only 10 minutes away. Occasionally we deliver friends to their schools as well. I hope that your town is different, but here in Little Rock, most businesses … Read entire article »