Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "teacher gift"
The Procrastinator’s Guide to Teacher Gifts

If you’re a high-level procrastinator like me, the fact that you have to get a gift for your kid’s teacher before school breaks for winter will probably sneak up on you. And don’t forget the secretaries, principal, nurse, counselor, etc. Yikes. Never fear, I have solutions to MacGyver your way out of this one. Section One: Quick, but Not Dirty Gift Cards. According to friends who are teachers and teachers who are friends, gift cards are the best. … Read entire article »
Relish! Meal Planning Gifts and a giveaway

With the chaos of this summer’s move and everything that has gone on since, I had gotten out of the meal planning groove. But, I’m happy to say, over the past few months I’ve jumped back in and am wondering why I ever stopped doing it in the first place. Meal planning isn’t hard. In fact, it makes life easier. And at the bottom of this post, I’m giving away something that will make it … Read entire article »
Filed under: Frugal Fawn, Grocery Shopping, Homemaking, Mommyhood, Product Reviews, Spending Less
Building a Back to School Teacher basket at #MurphyUSA
Murphy USA is an oil company based of El Dorado, AR. When we first moved here, Craig shared with me what he had learned about the company – they provide college scholarships for every child that graduates from El Dorado High School. This in itself is pretty impressive, but then when I attended the Arkansas Women Bloggers Unplugged conference in June, I met Brittney Burroughs, who works in PR for Murphy USA. Murphy was a sponsor for the conference, so Brittney had the chance to share some of the programs that the company offers. As a “crunchy, cloth diapering, tree-hugger”, you’ll not normally find me getting excited over an oil company. However, when Brittney told us about the many ways that Murphy USA is supporting their community, and about some of … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mommyhood