Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "VolunteerSpot"
Teacher Appreciation 101

Disclosure: asked me to write this article. My “pay” is a $25 donation to, which I will be matching with a $25 donation of my own. It’s back to school season (as if you didn’t know). My own little lovelies have been back to it for a few weeks now, but I am still seeing “first day” photos flooding my facebook feed. Every year I am in awe of the job that teachers do. Not only do they … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education
5 OTHER Reasons to Volunteer with PTA

Disclosure: I had already planned to write this blog post, and then I convinced to let me add the giveaway component to it. They provided me with a $50 gift card for a separate project that I did for them, which I gifted to a classroom in another school district. They also provided the $50 gift card that I’m giving away at the bottom of this post. Now that school is back in … Read entire article »
Back to School: Volunteering

Volunteering at your kid’s school is one of those things. It sounds good when you say it. It feels good when you put your name on the little sign up sheet. It might even seem exciting when you attend the first PTA meeting. But, volunteering is hard. Not because the work is hard. We can all pitch in in one way or another, and while working the “fishing for grab bags” booth at the school fair … Read entire article »