Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "Yaz"
Battling Anxiety

About five years ago, I took Yaz birth control for about five months. It caused several health issues, including debilitating anxiety. I still get lots of comments on the blog posts that I wrote about how I dealt with my “Yaz withdrawal.” The majority of the questions I get are about anxiety. This blog post started out as an email response to two readers who were asking those questions. My anxiety was how I really measured whether I … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Health, Health & Fitness
Coping with Yaz Withdrawl
There are three main side effects of Yaz, Yasmin, Safyral, Beyaz, and their generic versions that myself and every other woman I’ve talked to or read forum posts from deal with: Anxiety, Nausea, and Fatigue. Unfortunately, each of these symptoms feed one another, so that after a while, it’s difficult to discern what is causing each symptom. Fatigue can cause anxiety, which causes nausea. Nausea (and therefore not eating) can cause fatigue due to lack of nutrients. And at least for me, I had anxiety about why I was so nauseous. Many women either don’t experience these symptoms at all until after they stop taking Yaz, or, they see a significant increase in symptoms once they are off the pill (as I have). These symptoms have been reported to last anywhere … Read entire article »
Filed under: Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
Yaz and Axiety – My Personal Experience
This blog post is certainly more personal than normal. It is written in the hopes that it will help other women who are struggling with the side effects of Yaz, or any other birth control medication, perhaps without even realizing it. I have felt chronic anxiety twice in my life. The first time was 8 years ago as I experienced the demise of my first marriage. The second time is now. In hindsight, I have been having issues all summer long, but the major problems started at the end of September. In addition to anxiety that left me without the will or motivation to do much of anything (did you notice there have been fewer blog posts over the past month?), I’ve also seen a substantial increase in fatigue, migrane … Read entire article »
Filed under: Health, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood, Product Reviews