Instead of the Dishes » Archive
January Cross Training: Week 4 #xtrainJan16

Well, I have to say that week 4 of this project has definitely been the toughest. Frankly, I’m running out of new workouts to do. Not that there aren’t tons of things I haven’t tried, but accessing and scheduling these things is definitely a science. Two weekends in row of travel didn’t help either. But alas, we have made it to the end. I think I have taken more selfies this month than the cumulative … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood
Exploring Springfield, Missouri

Disclosure: This blog outlines my experiences while on an expenses paid press tour hosted by the Springfield CVB for Missouri Women Bloggers. All opinions are my own. We all know how it goes. The place we live has something it’s famous for – some attraction, or park, or land formation that people come from far away to see. But not you. You live here! You don’t do those touristy things! Well, this past weekend, I had the opportunity to … Read entire article »
Filed under: 417 With Kids, Missouri, Things to Do, Travel, Weekend Getaways
Why Aren’t You Ordering Your Groceries Online!?

Friends, on Saturday I went to Hy-Vee and spent $200, but I never even went inside! I spent 5 minutes in the parking lot and went home with a trunk crammed full of groceries. Yes indeed, I ordered my groceries through Hy-Vee’s Aisles Online program. The only regret I have is that I did not know about this service sooner! If you order at least $100 worth of items, the Aisles Online service is completely free. And if … Read entire article »
Filed under: 417 With Kids, Grocery Shopping, Homemaking, Product Reviews, Shopping
January Cross Training: Week 2 #xtrainJan16

I’m kicking off the new year with a month of cross training – a different workout every day! You can see Week One’s workouts here. Here’s what I’ve been up to this week: Friday, Jan 8 – PiYo My mom and I traveled to Galena, IL on this day. We got stuck in Chicago and ended up driving across the state, which made our travel time a lot longer than planned. Luckily, my mom is a total … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood, Travel
January Cross Training: Week 1 #xtrainJan16

My whirlwind life wound down a bit in December, so I took the lull as an opportunity to get back in the fitness habit. But, I’m a runner, and I’m allergic to the cold, so winter is hard on me. I decided to do a different workout each day in January to keep things interesting. I posted on Facebook as asked folks to tell me their favorite workout. I got a huge response with lots … Read entire article »
Filed under: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Mommyhood