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Instead of the Dishes » Around the House, Go Green » Tis the Season…For Catalogs

Tis the Season…For Catalogs

Check your mailbox.  I bet they’re in there.  Catalogs.  This time a year, it seems some companies start sending a new catalog once a week. I know I get tons of catalogs for companies I’ve never purchased anything from.  Others I’m familiar with, but I still don’t need a paper catalog when the internet is right at my finger tips.  So, this evening I sat down with the most recent stack of catalogs that were stress-testing my mailbox.  I jumped on each of their websites and sent an email to customer service requesting that I be removed from their mailing list. Even though we recycle our paper, I don’t even want to think about the environmental cost to produce all those glossies.


image from Catalog Choice blog

Please join me and take a few minutes to unsubscribe from catalogs you’ll never order from. If you do it the way I did, it takes about two minutes per catalog.  Just type out your unsubscribe request in a word document (be sure to include your name and mailing address) and then copy and paste it into each company’s online customer service contact form. OR, if you have a lot of catalogs to get rid of, check out  Catalog Choice is a free service that allows you reduce unwanted mail and decide how you hear from over 1,000 companies. It has a search tool that lets you search for your catalog and set your mailing preferences without having to hop around to different websites.  So efficient, and your Mother will love you for it. Mother Nature, that is.

Filed under: Around the House, Go Green · Tags: , , , , , , , ,

6 Responses to "Tis the Season…For Catalogs"

  1. Kim says:

    Or do like my friend does and GIVE catalogs for Christmas. 🙂 My little ballerina loves circling the things she wants in catalogs so my friend gave her catalogs for her gift. The little ballerina was in heaven!

    I love your tree-hugging spirit, Fawn!

  2. Janet says:

    Oh no! What would ‘Becca do without her “madagines”?!?! She gos to the mailbox every day looking for “her” mail. An American Girl or My Twinn catalog can literally keep her busy for several hours, several days in a row. Baby sister, Roo, has started to “compost” them for her, though. Glossy paper is so much fun to crinkle, and apparently, to eat.

  3. N. D. says:

    The catalogs get me excited…sometimes. Love the milkshake idea for post race! Done!!

  4. Fawn says:

    So true, ladies. I will admit that Callen sat on the floor and paged through catalogs for about 5 minutes the other day, and that’s pretty long for him. Reusing (and regifting) is a great enviro-friendly practice. Certainly I don’t cancel all of my magazines – some of them get me excited too. I just get rid of the ones that I have no interest in (and now, the ones that the kids won’t be interested in either!).

  5. Cordless Drill says:

    The “FOOD POLICE” what has this world come too. LOL Maybe they should allow nutrition back into our food, that way we wont need to eat so much to get the necessary vitamins we need.

  6. We got three from Heifer International on the same day last week. Sigh.

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