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Instead of the Dishes » Mommyhood » Title Pending

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Lately I’ve been knee deep in event planning, which is secretly food to my soul.  But, it brings out the “business” in me, and therefore hinders my creative writing activities to an extent.  So, this post is sort of a flow of consciousness, as opposed to the highly organized, completely factual, informative, entertaining posts I normally put out. *grin*

Since I’m knee deep in it, I’ll say that the event planning is going well.  I’m helping to plan a meetup for the Arkansas Women Bloggers.  Event essentials like food and fun giveaway items have essentially landed in our laps.  We ask, we receive.  It’s an incredible combination of the generosity of individuals and the power that social media wields.

MOMcation 2011 planning is also in full swing.  This fact alone makes me very happy, as MOMcation was not even a twinkle in my eye this time last year. Again, the incredible generosity of our sponsors and swag contributors amazes me.  I’ve got a great group of committee members helping to plan the event.  This week I got an email from a mom in Hawaii wanting to know if we plan to expand to other locations in the future.  How amazing would it be to have MOMcations all over the country?  Maybe someday…

The twingles are testing me lately.  In some ways they are becoming more and more like twins. I did a lot of research in college on the psychology of twins, and the whole thing scares me. The other day I stood at the counter slicing carrots when I suddenly became aware of whispering going on behind me.  I’ve learned that whispering can be more deadly than silence, because it means they are getting ready to gang up on me, or else it means that Carina is sending Callen on a mission of chaos and destruction.

I read that recent studies are showing that the “nature” part of us seems to have more bearing on our personalities than the “nurture” side, which could be backed up by my twins research from 10 years ago.   It can also be backed up by observing my two rug rats, who are raised in the same household by the same parents, go to the same pre-school, do the same extra-curricular activities, hang out with all the same friends, and have some seriously glaring opposite personality quirks.  Callen  sleeps well, Carina does not.  Callen screams, Carina wails and whimpers.  Callen is very independent while Carina is needy. We have only one picky eater, only one drama queen, only one climber, only one hypochondriact.  One is a planner-ahead-er, the other is in the moment.  Although sometimes torturous to me, it seems to work out well for the two of them together.  Carina can orchastrate a raid on the refrigerator by holding the door open while Callen shimmies up the freezer door and into the fridge.  From there Carina can direct him to the location of food items for the both of them, which he retrieves and hands down to her before climbing down, and then she closes the fridge door.

Yesterday morning I hung a load of laundry out on my newly repaired clothes line (thanks hubby!). When I got to the far end of the line, I saw that there was a gorgeous spider web with a big spider on it suspended between the upper deck and my clothes line.  I carefully removed the clothes pins from the line that I needed, trying not to disturb the web, but the last pin I pulled was attached to the web, and with one movement, I completely wrecked the whole thing.  I finished hanging my clothes and said an apology to the spider, who was dangling at one edge of what remained of all that hard work.  That evening, when I went back to get the clothes of the line, the web was completely restored.  While the kids and I were marveling at it, a bug flew into the web and got stuck.  The spider quickly moved to the bug, and we watched the spider spin it up in it’s sticky thread.  I thought about how many different life lessons were rapped up in this little expereince; persistence, determination, reaping the rewards of hard work, man’s impact on nature, etc. I remarked that the spider would eat the bug for dinner, but Carina quickly corrected me.  “The spider will just suck the blood out of the bug.  Like that spider that’s friends with the pig.”  So maybe recreational  TV can be educational after all…thanks, Charlotte’s Web, for that somewhat graphic piece of enlightening information!

Ok, I am way over word count for blog standards. It is my hope to provide something with more substance soon.  Goodnight all.

Filed under: Mommyhood

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